Oli Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon)

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Band: Bring Me The Horizon

Band Member: Oli Sykes

Dedicated to Marisa Sallas

Marisa's P.O.V.

"Hey Marisa" my friend Emma greets me as she walks into English class, and takes her usual seat next to me.

"Hey Emma, what's up?".

"Oh nothing. By the way I heard today we are starting a new project" she says before I start to groan.

"What is it about?" I ask running my fingers through my hair.

"It's about poetry or some shit" Emma shrugs.

"Do we at least get partners?" I ask hoping the answer is yes.

"Yeah we actually do. Maybe we will get to choose our partners" she smiles at me before our teacher Mrs. Garcia walks into the classroom.

"Good morning everyone. Today we will be starting a new project about Poetry. You guys will have to write a two page essay about a poetry writer of your choice. You will have to include the writers background in life, describe at least two poems they have wrote, and basic facts about the writer" Mrs. Garcia tells us before everyone starts to groan and whine about the assignment.

"Don't worry. You guys will have partners for this. BUT, I will be choosing your partner for you" she finishes off before handing out a sheet paper that has all the stuff we need to know about the project to everyone.

"Now first Jake will be with Cecilia, Emma with Jayden, Sidney with Adriana, Marisa with Oliver" Mrs. Garcia says before I totally zone her out.

Oh no.... Me? With Oliver? Oliver Sykes? No, there's no possible way.

Oliver Sykes was the silent/weird kid in school. Nobody ever talked to him, he never talked to anyone besides the teachers and that was only if he HAD too. A lot of the football jocks messed with him and Oliver would never do anything about it. He would just let the assholes beat him up until a teacher came to break off the fight.
In some ways I actually felt sorry for him. I knew all he needed was a friend.

I sigh before slowly turning around and resting my eyes on Oliver, who was just looking down at his desk.

"Mrs. Sallas, please move your seat over there next to Oliver and start working on the assignment" Mrs. Garcia tells me before going to sit back on her desk.

I nod my head before standing up, grabbing all my supplies, and taking a seat next to Oliver.

We just sit there in silence for a couple of moments before I say "Hey Oliver, how are you doing?".

All Oliver does is nod his head once and stares at his desk again.

"So do you have any ideas on what poet you wanna research about?" I ask him.

Oliver stays silent again and shakes his head no.

"Oh, uhhmm... How about Edger Allen Poe? That's the only poet I know so" I give out a small laugh.

Oliver shrugs and sighs.

"Look Oliver I know you don't want to talk to me or anything, but we have to do this assignment first. Then you won't have to ever talk to me again" I tell him.

Oliver turns to look at me with a confused look on his face.

"What is something wrong? Oh I know, you probably hate me too with the rest of these people in school huh?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay first of all, call me Oli not Oliver. And second of all, I don't hate you" Oliver... Err I mean Oli finally speaks up.

"Okay good... I was sort of afraid you might have" I smile at Oli.

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