Ashton Irwin (5 Seconds Of Summer)

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Band: 5 Seconds Of Summer

Band Member: Ashton Irwin

Dedicated to BVBwillruletheworld5

Cobie's P.O.V.

As I'm about to lay in bed so I can take a nap, I suddenly hear someone knocking on my bedroom door.

I raise my eyebrows before I walk over to the door and open it to only reveal Calum on the other side.

"Calum? What are you doing here?" I give him a questioning look.

"I came here because I need to talk to you about something" he simply tells me.

"Umm, alright then" I say as I take a step back to let him walk inside my room.

"So, what's up?" I ask Calum as we both sit down on my queen sized bed.

"I came here to talk to you about Ashton" Calum starts to say before i shake my head at him.

"I don't want to talk about him" I tell Calum in a stern voice.

"He's really hurting right now from your guys's fight last week".

"So? That isn't my problem Calum. He's the one who started the fight anyways" I let out a loud sigh as I look down at my colorful socks that are covering my feet.

"He told me that he has been trying to get ahold of you, but you haven't been answering him back" Calum ignores my last statement.

"Well obviously. He is the one who hurt me actually... Not the other way around" I roll my eyes.

"Look, I know you don't want to talk to him but your going to have to get over that. Ashton is so fucking desperate to get you to talk to him again. I mean, hell... He freaking got me to come over here to tell you all of this" Calum looks at me with steady eyes.

"I don't know Calum..." I mumble quietly as I turn my head around so I can avoid looking at his eyes.

"Just try to think about it at least? I mean he is your best friend after all..." Calum tells me before I hear him walk out of my bedroom, leaving me alone to my thoughts.


"Hey Cobie, do you want to hang out this weekend? I heard the fair is going to be in town this entire week" Ashton asks me with a smile.

"I would love to Ashton. You should already know-" I start to say before I stop myself from saying anything more since I just remembered that Nathan asked me to go with him...

"What? Why did you just stop talking in the middle of a sentence?" Ashton questions me.

"Because I can't go with you to the fair this weekend actually... I'm sorry Ashton" I tell my best friend with a apologetic look on my face.

"Why not?" Ashton's facial expression turns from happy to sad instantly.

"Well you know that guy Nathan that's in our calculus class sixth period?".

Ashton nods his head slowly, telling me to continue.

"Well he actually asked me to go with him to the fair this Saturday a few days ago... I'm sorry" I apologize to Ashton again.

"Is this going to be like a date or something?" Ashton lowers his voice as his eyes turn darker, losing there usual bright color.

"I don't know, maybe" I shrug my shoulders.

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