chapter 11- stop it horror!

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OKI DOKI! I IS BACK! XD sorry about that. That...mmm ye...back to the chapter enjoy!
(Chara's text= this)
~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 10~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nightmare's pov
except for cross' freak out at the take off, everything was going good. He down after some chocolate chip cookies, and holding his hand. He kept holding on tighter, and tighter. I don't judge him. First time flying is kinda scary...I guess. Dream, and the others was talking, and I kinda knew about what. Cross probably overheard some, since he asked "what are they talking about?" I looked up, and remained calm. "It's nothing." I kissed his forehead. "Ya calmer now?" I asked low voiced, and hugged him. He nodded, and hugged back a bit. I lifted his face up, and kissed him. "Better now?" He nodded slighty. Heh...cute. He laid down on my shoulders, and we cuddled a bit before killer stack his head up over the seat since he was behind us, and said "seriesly guys, on the f*cking plane." I looked up at him, "yes, on the plane." I went silent. "I paied for this trip so shut up killer." I said. He nodded, and sat back down like nothing ever happened. Heh...he lost like usual. Me, and cross just went on with...whatever a were doing.

~~~Time skip~~~

We finally arrived, and got all of our stuff. We borrowed a car, and got a hotel room. I exhaled. two days the plan is gonna 'fold out'...I hope he'll say yes...I can't imagne the emberessment if he says no. We got two bedrooms and a bathroom to sharing. That's all we have. Dream suddgested, and in an ambarrasing way. That me and cross shared a room, and then everyone else...except ink and error who got their own room, and everyone else shared. Me, and cross started to pack out. We went out of the hotel for the day to look around, and see some things.

~~~Time skip~~~

It's getting late, and we got to a resturant where we funny enough figured out that reason why ink wasen't there to fight with us that day. Ink...was also ink and cross for along really well talking, and so did me, and error.

~~~Time skip~~~

Nothing at the resturant really happened, except cross who fainted a bit a single time, no else than that... everything was amazing. Me, and cross was changing to our pj (pyjamas), and got in to the bed. I slowly leaned in over kissing him, and laid down beside him. He kissed back, and snuggled up to me. We both got comftrable, and he laid his head down at my chest. We slowly fell asleep

~~~Time skip to morning~~~

I woke up, and looked at cross. "Wake up sleepy bones" I giggled a bit. I covers his face with his hand, still mostly asleep. "Nngh...five more minutes night." I giggled again. I coulden't help it. He was just too adorable. I kissed his forehead, "hehe~ no come on silly, i have plans." I let go of the huggy kinda position we had been sleeping in, and stood up. Cross slowly whined as I let go, and it all got colder around him. He sat up, and held his head. Wow, he never is this tired usually. Today I had plans to go to Morrocoy National Park, and oh boy I just can't wait to see it. I was about to change clothes until I noticed...killer took it again...I sighed deeply. The only thing I was wearing was a bunny pj, and even one of those that coverd all around was one I those whole suits with a hoddie and bunny ears, and everything. Me, and dream had one since a was small. Mom used to sew one, and the one time she sew them way too big...well that's the purple one i'm wearing remindes me of her, and makes me happy...kinda...I wonder if dream was wearing his yellow one. Well...I had to wake him up anyways. I walked in to everyone's room, and grabbed the air horn. I blocked everyones ears with some pillows, and walked to killer...aka the only one I didn't hand some pillows to. I blew the air horn at his face. "AAAAAARRGGH!!!" He screamed really loud. "WHERE IS MY DAMN CLOTHES!" I yelled at him. Dream woke up...oh...he was wearing his bunny defenetly wrong with us...or else...we just miss mom, and that...yea I'm due that's why we do it...haha...he even had the hoddie with the ears on... heh..."HEY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?!" Killer shouted... I looked at him. "O-oh wait what?" I asked, and looked at him. He said a bit more calm honestly. "I said. Horror! Took it!" Dream walked up to me, and asked "what happened." I looked him in the eyes "horror is something I can not say! HORROR GIVE ME MY DAMN CLO-..." I cut myself off when he wasent there... "Smile playboy bunnies smile~" he suddenly said. Me, and dream looked over at him. He just took a picture, and laughed...Dream who was clearly confused asked "what's a...playboy bunny?" My eyes widened..."don't... don't say that" i answerd, and looked over at horror...I was embarassed at the turn. "Yea...I have a bunny pj with fluffy ears, and a little fluffy tail on my a$$. Do you have a damn problem?" I looked him in the eyes like I was dead serious. Man...his face was priceless. Man...I have no idea how held in the laugther. Until cross opened the door. "Ngh...guys...what's going on? Your loud." He said. Horror instantly broke in. "HEY CROSS! LOOK AT THIS!" I instantly pushed him down. "SHUT IT HORROR!" Cross looked confused at us. "What's happening?" he asked again. "I-it's nothing sweetheart...j-just get changed." I said, and...he just nodded, and was about to walk back before killer was also on to being annoying. "Yes sweeeetheert~ go change, and-" i knew where this was going. I slapped him across the face quickly "KILLER!" Him, and horror were on the floor laughing. Cross went to change. When he was done, we all day down in the car. "So...where are we going?" Dream asked. "I looked around to see what would be best places, it's called something like...Morrocoy National Park." I turned the car on, and started driving.

~~~Time skip~~~

When a came home, witch was late... really late. We went to bed, and fell right asleep...or...Cross, and everyone else did. I was nervous...tomorrow was 'the day'...i was so nervous, and laid down. "Heh. Are you ok?" I suddenly heard cross say. "WHA-!
I-I'M FINE!" He looked over at me, and snuggled up to me. "Please don't yell. It's too late for this." He nuzzled my nose with his. I nuzzled back. "Hehe ok." I agreed to what he now wanted. We snuggled up to eatcother, and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER 10~~~~~~~
heya I'm sorry for the short, and bad chapter. I would have done something better, and gotten further in the story but got cought up in the 'stolen clothes' moment... sorry I'll do better in the next one witch will be...soon...probably sooner than usual
Word count (plus descreption thingy) 1261 words cya!

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