chapter 7- the fever

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Hoi, and welcome back! I have no news so...enjoy!..I
(Chara's text= this)
~~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~
Deram's pov
I stood up, and put the flashlight back, walked out and closed the door behind me.

~~~Time skip~~~

Nightmare's pov
I woke up, and looked with a bit blurry vision. It kinda annoyed me a lot. I was dizzy, and my head hurt, and a lot other that irritated me. I felt Cross cuddeling up to me, and i got even more irritated. I pushed him away emidietly. I was in my corrupted form. He looked up, "hey, what's wrong?" He suddenly stopped and noticed something. I looked at him. "What?" I asked so annoyed. He sat up and helped me up, and laid a hand on my forehead. I pushed it away, "stop! *cough*" I don't want him to do that. He looked worried at me, and put me back on the bed. He put the blanket over me, and got a chair to sit down beside me.

Cross' pov
A fever. Poor nightmare. "I have to go get something, please wait I'll be back within max five minutes ok?" I asked. He looked at me for a second. "If it has something to do with this 'fever' your dead." I took it as a yes, but still. I responded "You'll need this senpai." He looked at me "what did you ju-" i cut him off faslty "I'll go get that stuff cya!" I quickly walked out, and heard him yell from in there. "CROSS DON'T CUT ME OFF! GET IN HERE AND ANSWER ME!!!" I walked down the hall fast, and in to the bathroom to get a clean towel, and I walked to the kitchen to get a bowl of cold water. Damn it! I forgot the medicine. I walked back to the bathroom cabinet and got some medicine. We sadly didn't have any 'unflaverd' medicine. I walked back to the room, and nightmare noticed all the things. "What the f*ck?" He asked clearly still annoyed. I say the things down on a small table beside the bed, and studied him lightly. "Don't swear" I kissed his forehead, and soaked the towel in the cold water. I squeezed the remainig liquid out of it, and fold it together so it was still wet, and cold. I placed it on his forehead. He lifted up his arm, i see what he was doing, "don't take it off" I said, and laid his arm back down. "I'M NOT SICK! *sniff*" He emidietly yelled. I sniffed "b-but...y-you are...I-I'm j-just worried *sniff*." He again got annoyed, "Cross stop, your too f*ucking old to cry." I whiped away the tears, and tried not to cry. I didn't wanna make him more mad. "Ugh, stupid f*cking headache." He pressed on to the towel. I found some medicine, and handed it over to him. He looked at it for a sec like he was about to take it. Then turned his head away as a 'no'. I tried giving it again, but he kept turning his head the other direction, and push my hand away. "Oh come on. You have to take it." I said slightly annoyed. I shook his head, acting like a freaking child. I ended up force feeding him, and when i did get him to swallow it. Man...that face was priceless. I still felt bad for him. I have him a bottle of water he emidietly choked down. He drank too fast, and got choaked. He spit up coughing as I pat his back. He still had the horrible taste in his mouth. "I'll go get some s-." I got cut off after trying to stand up. He dragged me down on the chair, not wanting me to leave. "Ok, ok. I'll text dream."


Cross: hey, can you do me a favor?

Dream: of course, what is it?

Cross: can you buy some of that alphabet soup, and cook it please?

Dream: sure why not, but why btw?

Cross: your bro is sick.

Dream: I'll be on my way

Cross: thank's

Dream: no problem

~~~Time skip~~~

Cross' pov (yes again)
Dream came in the door with the soup, and a spoon. "Nice, thank's dream." I said, he responded with a "no problem," and walked out again quietly. I picked up the spoon with some soup on. "Say ahh" i said as I lifted the spoon to nightmare. He looked at it weirdly. "Cross i can feed myself" he said trying to take the spoon. I pulled it a bit away, "no, not now. Come on, say ahh." He sighed, and did as I said "Ahh." I fed him the soup, and he surprisingly didn't just spit it out. I took up some more, "say ahh." He did it again. Funny enough, i gotta admidt He was so cute. I giggled low a bit "here come's the airplane." He was embarrased, but at least not pissed. "Why" he said with an embarrassed tone. "Because" I responded. "Come on, i know you want some. It's good." I tried again. "Here comes the airplane." I smiled as he did deal with it this time. I kept feeding him until the bowl was empty. He was like a little child. So cute. I didn't do anything, but to look at the empty bowl smiling a bit. He eventually calmed down, and turned back to his original form. I gottta admit he was so adorable when he was sick, and not going crazy, yelling mad. I knew that he again haden't eaten in so long time, but at least he didn't refuse to eat. So I didn't have to push him so far. I looked i at my phone, and noticed dust had texted.

Texting conversation:

Dust: dude, where the f*ck are ya. Ur always do erly up so is nightmare, but we haven't seen u guys all day.

Cross: one: why do you even care Two: NM is sick

Dust: holy f*ck

Cross: what?

Dust: your still alive?!

Cross: no it's my dead body texting to you

Dust: no. It's just. Last time he was sick, and a papyrus guard has to take care of him. Honestly...poor guard...he only lasted a minute, and we all almost for killed

Cross: ...

Cross: ok bye

Dust: cya in hell idfk

No one's pov:
Cross ignored the last message, and laid the phone down on the table, and leaned in over him. I said with a childish voice, "you coulden't kill anyone like this, could you. No you coulden't. Your just too cute, and small, and so adorable." I kissed his forehead, and pat his head. He blushed even more embarrased. "Need anything then?" He shook his head, and looked rather tired. I sat down beside him, and sang a small song until I eventually fell asleep

~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER 7~~~~~~
Heya, i hope your enjoying the story so far. Still fell free to leave comment's i love to reply to every single one of them. I've only gotten 1 suddgestion so far i'm glad but I wanna make everyone happy about the story...thank you!

Word count (plus description thingy) 1212 words!

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