chapter 10- time to travel

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Hoi and welcome back! Today...I'm going to say this is not gonna be an as detailed chapter as usual...but it might be longer...a lot...mange idk
Enjoy tha chapter also I wanna know if you usually read these before descrebtions...if so please tell me I wanna know if I'm waisting my time writing these also should chara be here more? Comment to let me know thank's a lot <3 (chara's text= this)
~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 10~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cross' pov
"Hahahaha s-stop k-missing me there hahaha!" He stopped for a second giggeling, "oh? not there? Well I could just kiss" He said kissing my lips (die logic) while I was still slightly giggeling. He was leaning over me kissing. I kissed back, laying my arms around his neck. I was laying on my back, and he was right above...I kinda like those scenes. I didn't want to stop, but...of course killer has to ruin everything. He kicked open the door, "BOSS! THe-...uhmm...the assasin is back but...I'm just...gonna" he slowly backed out. Nightmare stod up, "oh sorry about  that. I-I'll be on my way." I sat up "same. I just have t-." Nightmare cut me off, "no cross, you have to stay here. You still need got kicked pretty hard by him last time." He was changing fast to his 'uniform,' while i tried to convince him. "But i-" i looked at me "no cross! Not today... *sigh* please...stay..." I sighed, crossed my arms, and mutterd "fine" while laying back down. I low voiced have a small whine when i didn't fell nightmares warm hugs, and I was only wearing this top and short shorts. He noticed when he was on his way out, and went to me. He got a really thick blanket, and almost packed me in like as if he was making sure I woulden't move. It kinda worked cuz I was really comftrable, but coulden't really move. I looked up at him with puppy eyes "b-but...what about your wound" I said trying to make him stay. He looked down at me with calm eyes, and pat my head. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I have to go now ok" he kissed me fastly "love you, bye." And he was out the door, and I was left alone. "Love you too" I said low to myself.

No one's pov
everyone was here again, but nightmare noticed something't. He looked up at dream, and asked "hey...where's ink?" Dream shrugged. Error was in the back slowly getting nervous. He knew...he knew clearly. Nightmare didn't notice, to error's luck...though to his bad luck...dream noticed. Error for the second time got lucky that dream kinda knew but shook it off. "Let's just go catch that b*tch!" nightmare shouted. Soon there was a huge fight going on

~~~Time skip~~~

Cross' pov
I woke up. I looked to the side, and saw nightmare. He was laying with his head burried in a pillow panting. I got my arms free from the blanket, and leaned in over him. I missed his neck lightly, "hard fight baby?" He turned his head to me, and rolled over on the side. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in to a kiss. "It was fine" he said. Wrapping his arms around my neck. I waited for a moment before asking, "so...why did i have that badly to stay home?" He looked at me for a second before answering "beacause...I don't want anything to happen to you or them." By 'them' he meant the kid. We didn't know yet how manny or if it was a bit of girl, but we were both clearly happy about it. We cuddled, and kissed most of the day away by now, and out lives went on like every usual day.

~~~a week's Time skip later~~~

Nightmares pov
Cross was asleep. I went out in the livingroom. "Pack your stuff everyone we're going to venezula!" I was excited while I said it. Dream, Error, ink, blue horror, killer and dust who were all on the coutch turned, and looked at me. Error, horror killer and dust was really confused, but dream, ink and blues eyes just widened. "Wait what?" Killer asked. Everyone was thinking it...he apparently was the only one who dared to ask. I said cheerfully. "I repeat. Pack your stuff cuz we're going to venezula." Killer who was still confused asked "why." Dream suddenly looked up at me gasping. "Ohhh. i see what you've planned now!" I nodded. The other looked at dream "what is it?" They all asked in the same time. Me, and Dream just giggled. "You'll figure out" I said, and again tried to say "you should go packing for 2 weeks." They all suddenly hurried to do it. We're leaving tomorrow early. After they all went to their rooms, i went to my own, and started packing for both me, and cross. I wanted to surprise him with my plan.

~~~the morning after~~~

Nightmares pov
I woke everyone at 4 am, a had to go now. Everyone for their stuff out in the van/car thingy...something that could drive and had nine seats done that's what I'll call it deal with it. I can't carry cross, and getting the bagage out. Dream has gotten his out, and looked in at me through the open some to my room. "Do you need help?" He asked. I instanly thanked him as a 'yes', and he took the bagage. I lifted up the still sleeping cross, and dream looked at me for a second. "Aren't you going to wake him?" Dream asked curious. I shook my head "no. I want it to be a really good surprise." He giggled slightly. "Well i can drive so you can sit with him in the car then," he said smiling kindly. I smiled a's been so long since me and dream had been smiling at eatchother. I again thanked him, and we got everything in the car. I got cross in, and put a carpet around him. I then got the seatbelt on him, and he didn't wake he's a heavy sleeper sometimes. We all got in, and dream started the car. Cross leaned up me in his sleep, and I decided to cuddle him for a bit. All except me and dream fell asleep.

~~~Time skip~~~

We were at the airport, and cross was still carried him again, and got some bagage too. First when we were on the plane he woke up. He suddenly looked really confused around. "Where the heck are we?" He said. We all started laughs slightly, and I even had my camera on. I got him filmed at some funny moments while he was sleeping. My favotite until now was the one where we have the tickets to the lady, and the way she was staring at me carrying cross, and she even asked me questions. Get first face expression XD...I can't keep it in. I laughed a little bit, and so did the others. Cross looked even more confussed. "No guys seriesly. Where are we right now?" He asked, i looked at him with 'sweet eyes' "you'll...figure out" I said smiling looking to the side. The last at the plane talked a bit, and then the fake off came. Cross leaned hard in to the seat, breathing a bit heavy. I forgot he probably have never even been flying before. I took his hand, and packed it in both of mine. "Please calm down, it's all ok." I said. He grabbed my hand tight, and tried to get a bit calmer. I dragged him down, and leaned his head to my chest. He calmed down a bit more, but kept up the breathing. I kissed his head, and patted it. "It's not dangerous to fly, it's fun." I said. He looked up at me. The stewardess came by, and asked if we wanted anything. I got a pack of tiny chocolate chip cookies, and shared with cross. He calmed down, heh thank godness for that.

~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER 10~~~~~~~

Ok sorry if was bad but here

Words (plus descreption thingy) 1400 words! Cya!

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