Chapter 28:-

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I dragged my heavy bag, it has all those stuff, which were old and unused at the present. 'Its so heavy' I mentally groaned over in my head. Why the hell did I sign up for this competition? And we have no clue as what we were going to make for it.

“Alyssa, so you got everything- waste materials for the competition?” Melissa huffs a bit, as she also brought a equally heavy bag like mine. I put the bag down with a huge bang, we were standing beside my locker as we had planned earlier.

“Yeah some, and we got the ones unused items too.” I replied warily, I was little bit exhausted with these stuff.

“Alright, lets settle down in the bus, they are going to take us soon.” She replies me with a weak smile, as she looks over her 'heavy' bag.

“Fine,” I said reluctantly, not wanting to carry this stuff anymore, it was killing my back.

We made our way to the bus, I couldn't help but glance around the back of the bus, and there it was Josh along with his group, and even Kiera was also sitting beside him, who was presently giving me a evil glare which later changed into a fake smile. They were surrounded by the musical instruments.

I was surprised that they were sitting along for the ride like us.

I sat in one of the front seats with Melissa. She asks me finally after we settles all of our things down or even on our laps, “What is going to be our plan?”

“I don't have a single clue.” I replied truthfully.

“Okay, let us take a deep breathe for a second.”Melissa guides me, as she closes her eyes and proceeds along with her advice.

“It doesn't and won't work.” The words comes out harshly than I intended it to.

“What all materials you got?” Alice asks me calmly, I knew she was pissed off at me.

“Seashells and some wires- we could make jewellery with that.” I suddenly brainstormed and beamed a small unsure smile.

“I got old denims and some old buttons and glitters,” I continued as I tried to think of something up.

“We could make a wallet with that.” Melissa answered me with a smile.

“Its a good one,” I replied enthusiastically.

What have you got?” I asked her.

“Some old bulb, and some ribbons along with it.” She answered me with a thoughtful expression.

What we could make with that, I wondered.

“A flower vase with the bulb as the vase,” I thought out loud.

“And we could use those ribbons to make artificial flowers.” She continued the thought I was about to guess it.

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