Chapter 27:-

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The next day, as I was passing through the corridors, I couldn't help but notice the number of stares I was receiving from people. And those stares were really not pleasant, it was more kind of glares. It gave me shivers through my body. The bad kind.

I just tried my best to ignore those stares, I didn't have a single clue as to what was going on. Is it they realized that I'm deaf? Nah, its not possible because my hair pretty covered my ears, I was sure of that. Was it Josh who spreaded the rumours?

I glanced at a couple of those people who were staring at me, as I walked down the corridor. I saw one guy from the group staring at somewhere else in my face, more specifically, my ears which were covered by my hair. As soon as he knew I was looking at him, he turned his face around. This just confirmed my thoughts. I knew it would have been Josh, because he was the only one who knew I was deaf.

I just ignored the rest of people, I walked faster to my art class.

Again as I entered the class, I received those glareful stares at me, I mentally groaned at the scene. I was freaked out but I was also fed up with it.

I looked for a pair of seats which was empty. There weren't any but there were a couple of seats where only a single seat was empty. I looked at the companion of the seats, two of them were already staring at me. But one blond girl, she was sitting at a corner and she had a spare seat next to her. She seemed the only one who was busy in her own world. I went over and sat next to her.

Her olive green eyes suddenly looked up from her work, her reddish lips formed a small smile.

“Hi, I'm Melissa.” She says it enthusiastically and gives out her pale white hand.

I nodded my head softly, I shook her hands, “I'm Alyssa.” I whispered.

Her eyes had a sudden gleam in it, as she realizes who I am. The rumour deaf girl, which spreaded in the college. But luckily she doesn't give a remark about it.

She instead tells me several embarrassing stories about her past and everything with a huge grin on her face.

I couldn't help but smile along with her. Her nature was contagious. It was everything happy, bubbly, cheerful. Just the opposite of me.

Just then, the Art teacher entered the class. I looked eagerly to know how the teacher would be. He was short than most guys would be, bald and plump. Just by his appearance, I knew his personality would be friendly, short-tempered but would cool down faster, and a perfectionist.

I asked Melissa about his personality. She just replied the words that I just thought over my head.

Suddenly, his observant eyes spotted me. His face had a warm personality towards me. He gave me a friendly smile. “So you are new here?” The teacher asked me.

“Yes, I'm Alyssa Stratson.” I introduced myself to him with a small smile.

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