Chapter 13:-

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As I reached the classroom, the next day. I spotted Josh again sitting in the same pair of seats where we sat last time. I went to sit beside him and I greeted him with a small hello. He just gave me a short nod. Mrs. Minnie entered the class.

"Good morning students one and all. Its come to my attention that you partners has yet to learn about each other. So today will be the first step of your assignment."

"Dont waste a minute of your precious time," she preached to us. And left us to do our own bonding time.

"So what are we going to do with the project?" I asked Josh. 

"I'm not going to do any work. So you have gotta do both of our works. I dont care about marks and all that stuff so it doesn't bother me at all. Just let me know  when it is done." That dumbass had even the nerve to think of leaving all the work to me and while he laid his head on the desk, about to doze off in a matter of seconds.

All I did is shake him up. And softly curse him with my beautifully coloured words which wasn't understandable by the abnormal people.

Again a laughter came out from his mouth. "Is that what you call cursing in your own words?" He stated it like a statement rather than a question. I just shrugged and didnt give him any response.

"From where have you heard freaking rainbows throwing out fluffy unicorns as curse words" he teases me.

"Just shut up idiot. You are not one of the normal people. I've heard many normal people speaking." I said a white lie hoping he believed through my lie. I've never heard anyone else using those as curse words but he didn't need to know that.

"Oh really! If you have heard that from some imaginary people. Then I can assure you I'm perfectly normal. Don't worry I can teach you some proper cursing words which are actually there in the dictionary and in fact real people do uses them." He offers with a evil smirk.

"No need thanks for your kind offer." I answered him coldly. I was tired right now because of last night dinner episode and he was pulling my leg now.

"And you will come my home during the weekends and we both will work on our projects." I continued with a monotone voice.

"I wont . What you will do?" He dares me and crossing his arms, demanding an answer out of me.

"Oh then okay. Fine . Leave it. I dont freaking care about it anymore. You do what you want to do. l'll do what I want to do. I wont do the work alone." At the last word the bell rang. I was the first one to leave the classroom.

I couldn't believe it was the same boy who was sweet to me yesterday. Who helped me out. Who became my first friend after a long time. And on the second day itself we had a fight and that too over a silly project. But no matter what ever happens I'm never apolosizing to him. It wasnt my fault in the first place. He was only being so cold  to me. Fine if thats what he wants to be. I dont care. I definately do care. But I cant change my words.

Again I bumped to another person. As I turned around to apologise to him. I looked up and here was another part of my problem here. The person who I never wanted to meet again ever. Yes its the one and only 'Ryan Banks'.

"Hey you are the one from last night. You do look different. Aha! so we meet again, and you wait and watch, " he smirks an evil smirk.

I hastily tried to cover my ears since I didn't want him to remember me. And I stupidly had a high pony up. But luckily I had some strands of hair falling around my face and kind of covering my ears. I even tried to block his eye contact by bringing the heavy mathematics book up to my nose. And walking away as fast as possible.

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