Chapter 16:-

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As I entered the cafeteria with Steve. There was a pin-drop silence in the cafeteria, I could feel the peoples stares, I kept a blank look, pretending to not care about anything in the world.

“Get on with your fucking life, haven't you got anything better to do?” Steve hissed, grinding his teeths. His voice echoed along the cafeteria since it was complete silence.

We were surprised to hear a couple of loud chuckles on our left in the far end corner. I'm sure now all the attention has been shifted to those people who caused the laughter. I'm glad that it whoever it was shifted our attention, mainly Steve's cause when he is in overprotective mode, you really do not want to get on his bad side.

Steve whispered in a soft tone, “Its Alice and Alyssa. Lets go and give them a visit. Shall we?”.

I gave a short nod. Now Steve was really better, his personality changed into that happy one.

As we were approaching towards them, I could hear a couple of faint sounds but one of the sound I could figure it out was a guy's voice.

I asked Steve “Is there a guy with them?”

“No when I looked the last time I checked there was only two girls,” he gives another glance towards them, “ Why I do believe that my little brother is right.” He confirms it.

All the more to find out.

As we made our movement towards them, I could hear the conversations being something serious.

I could hear some couple sounds of dragging up a couple of chairs. We sat down. And I'm seated right next to Alyssa, I could feel it was her presence. And opposite me was a person whom I couldn't recognise, I assumed it must be the guy who was chatting up with them.

I heard Steve making introductions about us. He must be a new comer like me since Steve didn't know them.

“I'm Ryan,” the guy says politely.

At the mention of his name, I frozed up. Wasn't this the name Alyssa mentioned when Alice asked her the reason for skipping.

“Don't worry about us. We made up our patch. ” Alyssa informed us with a happy smile.

It sounds really weird, how all of a sudden they became alright.

Alyssa was busy eating her food.

Steve asks, “Alice, what's the deal here going on between Alyssa and Ryan? If you don't mind me asking?”

I couldn't help myself to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Alice explains, “ Ryan is Alyssa's former bully. You heard it right, he used to bully her by words not by physical actions. He bullied her for at least two years minimum. You know the most strangest thing that just happened right now how they became friends. Let me tell you how it happened just before you guys came.”

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