Chapter 6 :-

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Hey guys sorry for the late update :)

Its was just something too good which happened in my personal life, which made my mind totally blank except just wondering how I had got it. I still feel I'm in a dream hoping never to wake up :)Ever had that feeling guys :) Dont forget to tell me about it :) 

Sorry for the blabbering :)

Without further ado, here is the sixth chapter:)

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If possible can any one of you please be an editor for this story I'll be greatly thankful to you :)

Happy reading :)

Have a nice day:) See you soon :)

-bright_gal :)

Josh P.O.V:-

When the teacher was lecturing which frankly was a waste of our time. I heard soft snoring sounds of Alyssa.

Then I realized that she was sleeping, so I called out her name softly. She didn’t hear me so I tapped her hands, while touching I felt some tingles but that didn’t wake her up. And so I pinched my famous pinch. I rubbed my hands in glee and waited for her reaction.

Her reaction couldn’t have been more perfect. She screamed loudly as if the world was going to be destroyed. And all the people in the class turned so silent. I was unable to control my laughter so I laughed out loud, I could feel Alyssa was shooting daggers at me but that made me all the more to laugh.

When the teacher announced that we got detention. It was icing on the cake. I knew that she never got a detention as she was an A student. I wanted to know more about Alyssa.

And I wanted her to taste everything of life what it offers. Damn I am sounding like my mother. I ought to start behaving like a guy. 

I was not always blind. I just recently became blind due to some accident. Earlier at Ridge View School, I was kinda badass over there. I had loads of fun there. I have been to a lot of detention I lost count of it. I played a lot of pranks. I was always happy.

But then I never thought I would smile again after the accident. But this girl can make me smile each and every time and if not smile, make me laugh, like she did just now.

Back to the reality, the bell rang and all the students and the teacher left the classroom except Alyssa and since we had to go to detention after sometime.

So I called out to her “Alyssa”. Still there was no response.

“How was your wonderful dream?”

“How are you?”

I kept asking her questions hoping that she would respond me back.

She didn't respond me back so I knew I was in some deep trouble. She gave me the silent treatment because she was angry, no not angry, and very furious.

“Does this dream of yours include me in it?” I tried to joke hoping to get a response out of her.

Unfortunately there was no response from her again. I kept silent for a moment.

I tried to think of something which will make her forgive me. Oh yes! How I could ever forget this simple thing which is right under my nose?

My puppy dog face!

I lifted my fingers which were lying on the desk, I tried to search her face and I found her face and brought it to face me properly. I held her face with both of my hands in a gentle manner as though she is a delicate object.

Her skin was so smooth like a baby's skin. I felt some tingles while touching her face. It felt good. I did a sad puppy dog expression. I held her face so that she would not turn away. Yes, I know I'm blind but that doesn't mean I don't know how to do a puppy dog expression I have done it for years and tried it on my mother and I have had wonderful results.

I softly apologized to her, still keeping my puppy dog expression “I'm sorry! Please talk to me”.

I knew that she can't resist it. I'm sorry, I can't help being cocky. When you are me, then you would agree to it too.

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