Chapter 30

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Sorry for mistakes. Wrote this while like half asleep. It's literally 4:34Am right now!

Update time!

Baileys pov-

Last day of this long week, Sophie and Ben decided they would sit at my lunch table with Isaac and I. I really wish they wouldn't have, it's awkward.

They just awkwardly speak as if they never were together or when Ben looks at a girl walking by Sophie will roll her eyes, ben does the same with when another guy talks to Sophie.


"I forgot to tell you!" Isaac excitedly yelled when we were walking in the hallway.

"What?" I laughed at how excited he was over whatever it was.

"Here, I'll show you" he started to reach into his pants and I put my hands up while backing away.

"Whatever you're going to show me I don't want to see" I joked and he flipped me off before he pulled his hand from his pocket holding his game pieces bracelet. "Oh my god! Was it Lindsay?" She one of my friends so I would be disappointed if she was taken out of the game already.

"No, it's kaylee's" he tells me twisting the bracelet in his finger "I'm the first player to take a bracelet" he sounds so proud of himself. "I'm not going to go into details with you about how it went down, I'll save that for the players" he tells me with a wink.

I should be glad that he took out on of the girls I wanted out but.. I don't know.. I'm not happy.

"Thanks" I muttered to him, I am glad he's sparing me the details of how he and kaylee had sex.

"Hey there dirty bail and Isaac" Jace said. He was beside me but I didn't bother to look at him. I was still pissed at him for what he did to Ben and Sophie but slightly less angry now that I know Sophie wanted to break up with Ben.

"Guess who got the first bracelet of the game" Isaac gloated.

"Not you" Jace replied with a laugh. I guess it is hardest to believe that Isaac of all of them got the first bracelet.

"Guess again" Isaac proudly spoke with a grin as he held up the bracelet.

"Who?" Jace sounded like he couldn't believe what was being said

"Kaylee" I watched jaces reaction, the first thing he did was look at me.

"Interesting" was all Jace commented

"Okay here's how it happened, I invited her over-" Isaac started his story

"I'm out of here before I here shit I don't need to here" I called out waving as I walked faster so I was way In front of them when leaving the school building.

"Bail" Sophie called from behind me, I stopped for her to catch up.

"You see Carter's new car? My dad and his mom bought him it for his early birthday present. I'm kind of jealous, he got a Ferrari" she tells me and sure enough just as we look to the parking lot a red Ferrari is parked from and center. Carter laying on the hood with a grin when we approach him.

"Nice" I comment looking over the car, carter smirked proudly at his new love I'm sure.

"Big reds a beauty isn't she" carter said patting the car gently on the hood.

"Big red?" Sophie laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"Everyone names their car" he defends

"Who told you that? I've never named my car" Sophie laughed

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