A Fear Of Flying

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"You do realize, I was kidding, right?" Dean chuckled.

"Yes, but I think it'd be good for you to get out of this town for a while. I've always wanted to go." Castiel shrugged. "Besides, my parents just sent a bunch of money I don't need. I think we should take this oppertunity to have some fun."

"That's all well and good, but what about Sammy? I can't just leave him alone."

"Oh look, how odd. Speak of the devil. I just got a text from Sam! 'Tell Dean this: I'm fucking seventeen years old. I can drive. Also, I have friends, and a part time job.'."

"Curse you and your magical cell phone." scoffed Dean. "Okay, I'm in."

Castiel grinned.

"I'm going to make you okay, Dean. I'm going to make you better than fine."

He kissed him gentley.


They were packed and ready two days later.

Dean had agreed to leave Sam in the care of Charlie, Garth was already living with her, so it worked out nicely.

They would be gone for about a week and a half. Sam was to call Dean if anything happened, and he meant anything.

Sam scoffed at him, mulitiple times.

They were going to New Mexico, to see the Chihuahuan desert. It would be kind a long trip, but somehow Cas had convinced him to fly there with him.

It had taken a lot of effort, and now Dean couldn't get out of it.

Too late now.


Sam dropped the lovebirds of at the airport, they said they're goodbyes, and then they were off.

Dean was panicking as he got on the plane, gripping Castiel's hand too tightly.

They got to their seats, Castiel took the window, now wanting to freak Dean out.

The pilot was getting ready for take off, and Dean was fidjecting and panicking again.

"Dean?" asked Cas.

"Yeah?" he turned to him, and the younger man kissed him full force on the lips.

The kiss got a little bit heated and when the blue eyed man pulled away, they were in the sky.

"Holy Shit, I love you Cas."

He pressed his forehead against the shorter mans.

"I love you too."


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