The Kind Of Day That Makes You Feel Like Flying...

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Castiel's eyes fluttered open.

He heard quiet Scissor Sisters flowing into Dean's bedroom from the kitchen.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock on the nightstand.

8:14 a.m.

Dean was never up this early, and he knew for a fact that Sam was at school, and besides that, he wouldn't be listening to the Scissor Sisters anyway.

He sat up and stretched, pushing the covers off of himself, and checking around the room for signs of his boyfriend.

His side of the bed was left empty.

Then he smelled eggs and bacon.

He loved living with the Winchesters.

Castiel crept cautiously out into the living room, hovering in the doorway of the kitchen with a shy smile on his face.

"Good morning Darling." he said, his morning voice deep and even more gravelly than normal.

Dean turned around.

He was in a gray dress shirt, faded jeans, and an apron. His hair was in it's usual perfect position, and he was wearing a beautiful, bright and honest smile.

With a spatula in one hand, he took a step closer to Castiel and kissed him tenderly.

"Happy Birthday Frenchie."

The blue eyed man gave him a confused look, and glanced over at the calendar.

It read; Saturday, September 21st. It was indeed his birthday. He had forgotten it was that close.

He looked at Dean once more, with an almost boyish grin plastered on his face.

Leaning forward, Cas gave him another quick kiss.

"Thank you." he murmured. "You are amazing, but I am sure that this information is not new to you. Since I seem to say it all the time."

Dean giggled.

Yes, he actually giggled.

"Well, Cas, you're amazing too. Totally poetry worthy, totally book worthy, and totally birthday breakfast worthy." he poked at an egg in the frying pan.

Castiel came up behind Dean, and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist.

"Your heart has the most amazing color, Dean."

Dean chuckled.

"My heart has a color?"

"Everyone's heart has a color. Or at least, that's the way I see it. You know? I sort of base the color on the person's personality."

"You are such a nerdy, geeky little artsy fartsy weirdo." he marveled.

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" Castiel mused, with a wicked grin on his face.

"Whatever," Dean turned around briefly, to look at him. "What's the color of my heart, then?"

He moved away from the blonde man, giving him space to continue cooking.

"I know what you would say. You would say your heart is black, because you believe you are tainted, and broken. You think you don't deserve to be saved, and your heart is a mess and it deserves to stay that way." he said, crossing his arms into his chest. "I know you better than that, though. I know who you really are, despite all that you have gone through, and all that you have to hide, your heart shines so brightly. It's this perfect golden sunshiney hue, and nothing can compare to it, Dean. Absolutely nothing. You're so generous and kind, you know exactly what to say and you have so much knowledge. I don't think I could ever fall in love with anyone else, because nothing can ever compare to your brilliance."

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