I Never Needed Anyone Like I Need You

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Castiel felt stupid.

He had been so far gone in his madness, his terror, that he had ended up hurting not only himself, but Gabriel and Anna and Dean and even Sam.

He wanted to make it up to all of them somehow.

He really did.

Except, at the moment he was stuck in the hospital.

They were deciding whether he needed to be moved to the mental ward.

He really didn't want to deal with that. Did he want to feel better? Sure. But not be stuck in the hospital without Dean or any contact from his friends or be able to paint and listen to the Smiths.

They couldn't make him do anything.

Dean was fast asleep in the chair next to Castiel's bed.

The raven haired man smiled sadly at his lover. He refused to go home until he could leave with his "Frenchie."

Castiel adored him, so much.

He was so glad he was okay. If he wasn't living he wouldn't be able to gaze upon this beautiful, flawless piece of art that was Dean Winchester.

That, he couldn't imagine.

He reached up and ran his fingers through the golden silk of Dean's hair.

They both we're going to make it through this.

He was sure of it.


When Dean opened his eyes next, he found Castiel, the manuscript of his book spread across his lap, and his face formed in deep concentration.

"Hey Hun." Dean mumbled. "Are you reading my book?"

Castiel looked up at him and gave a shy little smile.

"Hello Darling. I am." he said, a matter of factly.

Dean smirked and sat up straight, stretching.

He leaned over and kissed his boyfriend on the lips, softly and gently.

Castiel collected the pieces of the manuscript and gathered them into a careful pile, setting it on the table near the hospital bed.

He scooted over and pulled Dean into the bed, next to him.

"I want you close to me, always." he whispered.

The blonde man smiled and wrapped his arms protectively around his boyfriends tiny waist.

"I love you, remember that." he whispered back, and tucked Cas' raven hair behind his ear.

"I love you too, you remember that, also."


Gabriel and Anna were visiting that day, for the first time.

Dean was going to leave them alone for a while, but Castiel begged him to stay, admitting that he was nervous and scared about the whole ordeal.

He didn't really want to leave him anyway.

The elder Novak children stepped into the room at about two in the afternoon.

Dean was sitting right next to Cas' bedside, holding his hand, and stroking it absentmindedly with his finger.

Cas' hands were shaking. The doctors wanted to give him something to calm him down but he refused.

Dean soothed him, running his fingers through his raven hair until he was breathing normally again. Or at least semi normal, it's a little hard to breathe like a human when you have a Winchester sitting next to you.

"Castiel!" That was Anna's voice. She came running to the unoccupied side of his bed and threw her arms around him.

"Hello Anna." he put one arm around her.

"I'm so glad you're alright. I don't know what I would do if you weren't. I'm so sorry." she whimpered.

Cas' eyes widened and a light blush spread across his face.

"I'm sorry, too." he whispered.

Dean smiled at them. He knew that Anna wasn't a bad person, but it was nice to see this theory proven.

Gabriel strolled in after her, leaning against the wall and taking in the moment. He and Dean shared a look, sort of an odd, understanding. They were both going to protect Castiel no matter what now. They weren't going to let him be lonely.

Anna finally got off her little brother and sat beside him on the bed, instead.

Gabriel moved in, attacking Castiel in a back-breaking hug.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." he said firmly. "I know I don't say it often, but I love you very much. If you need help, ask for it instead of isolating yourself from everyone who loves you. I know you didn't try to kill yourself, but that was the extent of it. Cassie, just...realize that we're all here for you. No matter what. Okay?"

Castiel was tearing up, and he nodded, before wrapping an arm tightly around his older brother.

Dean smiled and squeezed his boyfriend's hand.

"OH! Cassie I almost forgot!" Anna said. "We got you a get well present."

"You did?" he asked, wiping the tears from his face.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a C.D. case.

It was the Scissor Sisters.

"We know you like them, even though you're pretty keen on making everyone think all the bands you like are from the 80's and 90's we know your secret. I remember us all dancing to them when you were a teenager and I thought you might appreciate it."

"Thank you, Anna and Gabriel. That's extremely good of you." he said, with a shy smile.

She handed it to him, and his breath caught in his chest and his eyes widened.

He flipped the C.D. around and sure enough:

I Don't Feel Like Dancin'. Track 1.

He looked from his sister, to his brother to Dean.

"Dean...it's...it's our song." he managed. "Remember?"

He handed the case to his boyfriend, his face flushed.

Dean did not cry.

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