Free Reign

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Dean had had a very long conversation with Castiel's doctor.

He had agreed to let Castiel leave after prescribing multiple medications to him, and setting him up with a weekly counselor.

It was the most amazing news he had ever heard.

He was getting the hell out of there.

It was the last day he would be stuck there, there was a lot of tests and sitting around staring at Dean because there was nothing else to do. (They couldn't very well make out with the doctors coming in all the damn time.)

The two of them were sitting together, chatting quietly. Dean was making Cas giggle madly, like usual.

"Oh, uh. Cas?"

He seemed suddenly nervous.

"What is it, darling?" Castiel said gently.

"Um, well, I understand if you're not comfortable with this or whatever because we've only been dating like..uh..almost a year, and such and..uh...if you don't wanna I understand I won't be angry or offended or whatever. I just thought maybe um..."

"Dean, honey, you're rambling. Just tell me. I won't be uncomfortable, and if I am, I will calmly let you know." Cas explained.

Dean took a deep breath.

"Okay, well, I was just thinking. Would you like to move in with me? It'd just be easier to be there for each other that way, and we practically lived together before, but uh, Sam loves you, and so do I, so...uh..."

Castiel tilted his head to the side and smiled, leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on Dean's cheek.

'I Melt With You' By Modern English started playing in his head.

"That sounds absolutely wonderful." He smiled wider. "I would like nothing more. I told you, that I want you close to me, always, did I not?"

Dean smiled too, and wrapped his arms around the smaller man.

He breathed in his scent and hugged him a bit tighter.

"I want to go slowly, Cas. I want you to ease back into your life carefully. If you rush things, you might get bad again. I don't want you going back to work and school right away okay? Let's wait for the medicine to kick in and see how things go. Sound good?"

Castiel rested his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.

"That sounds like a good plan."

Then he suddenly pulled away.

"Since when are you the reasonable one?" he realized with a start.

Dean laughed whole heartedly, and kissed his boyfriend once more.

"I'm so glad I have you back." he whispered.

"You never lost me." Cas was confused.

"You lost you." Dean said, tucking the raven hair carefully behind his ear.

"You're full of wisdom today, Winchester."


They both left the hospital the next morning.

Castiel was checked out, and Dean was close behind him, holding him close to him as they made their way to the Impala.

He felt good. He felt...positive. That now he had a chance to be happy.

To feel how he deserved to feel.

To make himself happy, and make Dean happy.

They headed back to the Winchester apartment.


Castiel really didn't want to be in that apartment after all those days alone.

He was glad to be free of it.

Most of his furniture would be going in storage, but his couch was going to be in Dean's apartment, because it was bigger than the Winchester's and in better condition as well.

His C.D.'s, all of his art supplies, his clothing and his bedding would be coming with him.

A few decorations here and there would make the move as well, and everything he didn't like, was being donated.

He cradled his Scissor Sisters C.D. as he walked around the apartment, picking up things he would need for the next few nights before Dean and Sam helped him move his things.

He had his messenger bag, now bulging with clothes and things as well as his books and sketchbooks and colored pencils.

They would need to buy some tea.

He gave one last look to his bedroom and smiled. All the memories.

"Hey Frenchie, you ready to go?" grumbled the elder Winchester from the living room.

"Yes, yes. Did you know patience is a virtue?" Cas joked, poking his boyfriend in the ribs. "Besides, I was taking some time to be nostalgic, actually. I was remembering all the cuddle fests we had in that bed, and well, other things too."

Dean chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller man.

"We can make plenty more memories in my bed, dorkface. Let's go."

Castiel followed Dean out the door, their hands clasped together.

He shut and locked the door.


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