Don't Fail Me Now

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Castiel could hear voices.

Soft, quiet voices, speaking slowly. Smoothly.

They were familiar.

Then the voices stopped, and there was a sound like a door closing, and then there were tears.

Someone was sobbing, heavily. It broke his heart. He knew that voice.

It was Dean.

Castiel could finally open his eyes. They fluttered open weakly and for a few seconds the world was blurry and vague.

"Cas!?" Dean choked.

Blue eyes met green.

Castiel tried to ask Dean why he was crying, what horrible, useless person had made that beautiful man shed tears, but his throat was swollen and dry. He made an incoherent noise.

Dean followed his gaze to his tear-streaked face and quickly rubbed at it, trying to hide the emotion flowing through him.

Then, the raven haired man realized where he was.

The walls were white, with pictures of scenery on the walls, the beeping sound he heard was a heart-motioner, there were no windows.

He was in the hospital.

Castiel inhaled sharply, and his face must've grown a few shades paler.

Dean switched his seats and came to sit at Cas' bedside.

He took his hand in his.

"You're okay, I promise. Look at me. I'm here for you and I'm not leaving." he said firmly.

Castiel's eyes darted to him, he looked at his worried expression and his golden hair and his parted lips.

He knew he was going to be okay.

"I love you, Castiel. I'm never going to let you slip away again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't better, I didn't understand. I'm going to make it up to you. I promise."

He was mesmerized, entranced, by this beautiful, righteous man's words, and something amazing happened. He smiled

Castiel squeezed his hand back. He exhaled.

Dean was still looking at him, but it seemed a little lighter now.

The raven-haired man opened his mouth, to speak but nothing came.

"Do you need water?"

He nodded.

Dean came back a few minutes later with a small paper cup.

Cas took it gratefully and downed the glass within a couple of seconds.

He cleared his throat and found his voice again.

"Dean." he whimpered, and grabbed his hand, squeezed it tightly and bringing it close to his chest. "I love you."

"Dammit, I'm so glad you're okay, Cas, I...I don't know if I'd...dammit."

Castiel looked at him, concern laced in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." he says firmly.

"Did you try to..." Dean couldn't say it.

"Not exactly. I hadn't eaten in days, and I hadn't slept. I passed out mostly from exhaustion."

"Oh Cas..." he whimpered.

"I just...wanted you. I was angry that I left, but I thought that you wouldn't want me, and that it wasn't fair to put that burden on you. So..I just stopped trying. Dean. I missed you so much."

He threw his arms around him, and gripped the back of his shirt tightly.

"I'm never letting you go again." said Dean.



"Sam, Hey." Dean rubbed his temples and adjusted the phone in his hand.

"Are you doing alright?" Sam worried.

"Cas is okay. He woke up. We've been talking..."

"That's really good, but I didn't ask about him, Dean. I asked about you. How are you?"

"...I'm..tired, and..I don't really know yet."

"Maybe you should come home for a while and get some sleep. I know you don't want to leave him, but he wouldn't want you to wear yourself out."



"No. Sam, I gotta go. Bye."

He hung up

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