Nuclear Bomb

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A week passed, and even though Castiel's family had left, aside from Gabriel and Anna, just as Dean feared, the raven haired introvert wasn't doing any better.

In his constant state of panic, all that he would do was smoke cigarettes and drink a hundred gallons of tea. He was shutting Dean out.

He had went back to his apartment, and hadn't been answering Dean's calls.

Sam was extremely annoyed by the whole situation, considering Dean wasn't much better than Castiel worry-wise. He was constantly checking his phone, pacing around the living room, smoking and listing all the things that might happen to his boyfriend if he was left alone any longer.

Dean had gone over to his apartment, and knocked, but Castiel didn't answer, and there was no noise inside, so he gave up.

The blonde knew it was because he suggested that they go to the hospital, it must have fueled the fear, and even though he said that he couldn't be without Dean, the fear of strangers with needles and sleeping medication must've drowned that out.

With worry, Dean called Gabriel, and explained the situation to him.

The hazel eyed older brother was stepping through the door to the Winchester's apartment, half an hour later.

Gabriel gave an inappropriate introduction to Sam, and winked at him. Sam was flustered, and hid behind his shaggy hair.

When Dean told the shorter man that he had tried Castiel's apartment, he laughed.

"Maybe he's dead."

Sam and Dead both stared at him, the younger in shock and the older with rage.

"God! I was just kidding!" he tried. "I love him too y'know."

"He's been suicidal, Gabriel. It isn't really a nice thing to joke about." Sam said.

Dean was too busy trying to kill him with his eyes.

"I just thought the mood in here was kinda dim and it needed some light!"

The elder Winchester huffed and rolled his eyes, but led the Novak and his younger brother into the living room.

"So, what are we gonna do about Cassie?" Gabriel said, flopping down on the couch.

"We were hoping maybe you could help us with that." Dean snarked.

"Y'know, Cas gave me a key a while back, or rather, I stole his and had one made. We can just head on over, open that door, rush in and bring the kid to the ER."

"Gabe, if he doesn't wanna go, I'm not gonna physically force him to go, I just want to make sure he's okay." Dean said. "Besides, if they really doesn't wanna see me then I don't wanna force him to see me either..."

The elder Winchester seemed to drift off at that thought.

Maybe Cas just wanted to get away from him.

"How 'bout this," the Novak started. "I'll go over there, open up that door, and talk to him, see where his head is at. Then, if he want's me to bring him over to you I can, if not, I'll let you know."

"That sounds like the smart thing to do, Dean." Sam cut in. "Dean?"

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks. Sorry, I'm just sort of out of it." he mumbled. "That sounds good. If you're up for it."

Gabe gave a sort of a nod.


Castiel sat, chain-smoking, curled up in the corner of his couch, in a bunch of blankets.

In a few days, he would be turning twenty-one.

He laughed to himself dryly. Great! Happy Birthday to him!

The raven haired man wasn't even sure he wanted to go back to school at this point.

Did he even have a future?

If he did, would it matter to anyone?

He was sure he'd already ruined everything with Dean. The one person he loved enough to want to live for.

It wasn't that Dean had done anything wrong, it was that Castiel was a coward.

He was terrified in every way, about everything.

He was scared of the hospital, of his parents, of Dean leaving him, of the world without Dean, of being alone, of having to suffer alone without Dean.

Basically, he just wanted Dean, but he thought that if let himself be better...then..for some reason he would leave.

Now he was probably gone forever.

Castiel cried himself to sleep, and woke up in the middle of the night on the ground, shaking.

He felt so incredibly empty and cold. He wanted Dean.

He wanted to die.


Gabriel went over to the apartment the next afternoon.

He opened the door, turning the key without hesitation.

"CASSIE! YO! ARE YOU ALIVE?" he yelled.

He heard nothing.

He looked all around his apartment, finally opening the door to Castiel's bedroom, to find his little brother passed out on the ground.

"Castiel?!" he fell to the ground in front of his brother, pulling his small body into his lap.

He panicked, shaking a little as he checked for a pulse.

"OH THANK FUCKING GOD!" he cried, tears spilling from his eyes as he held his brother closer.

Finally life caught up with him and Gabriel realized he probably should bring Castiel to the hospital and figure out what was wrong with him.


Dean got a text from Gabriel a few minutes later.

'takign casteil t te hpital. let u know as sn as I knw'

That freaked him the fuck out.

What did that mean?

Was the little idiot breathing? Did he try and kill himself? Did he overdose on something?

Was Gabriel freaking out too? It seemed that way, because of the grammar, or lack there of in his text.

Dean really just wanted to take Castiel in his arms and hug him until all of their problems went away and kiss him until he couldn't breathe.

He needed to know if Cas was okay.

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