Fight Them Off

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Castiel was curled up in Dean's bed, fast asleep and snoring softly.

Dean was next to him, twirling his raven hair gently between his fingers.

He was so worried.

What Cas had said last night was still floating around in his mind.

"I'm afraid I might kill myself."

He pulled the sleeping man to his chest and inhaled his scent, trying his best not to cry.

Dean was scared.

He was so scared that Cas might leave him, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if that happened.

He would die too.

When he had finally found happiness, now if it was taken away from him, he wouldn't be able to live without it.

Castiel was all he wanted.


When Castiel woke up, he felt sick.

He felt like he was closing in on himself.

He stumbled to get out of bed, but managed to fall on the floor in the process with a loud thunk.

"Cas?" That was Sam's voice. "You okay?"

Castiel shakily stood.

"Hello Sam." he mumbled. "Where is your brother?"

The teenager gave him a look.

"You didn't answer my question, but Dean's working. He said you are absolutely not to leave that bed today and if you try to go into work he'll throw all your tea away."

The raven haired man sighed in defeat and slumped back onto the bed.

"He's really worried about you y'know. What you said last night really got to him. He's been moping around all morning."

Castiel grabbed a pillow and buried his face into it, mumbling.


"I said he worries too much."

"No Cas, you said something about killing yourself last night. I think it makes sense to worry about that."

Cas blinked at him.

"Oh." he said.

"Oh." said Sam.

He groaned and pulled the covers over his head.


Castiel's phone rung that afternoon.

Dean had it. He didn't trust the nerd to be safe with it, and knowing him he would probably invite his parents over for tea.

He pushed the call button and lifted the device to his ear.

"Hello, Cas's phone."

"Yes. I am perfectly aware. That is why I am calling it. Can I speak to my son please?"


"He's not here at the moment. I can take a message?"

"Excuse me? Who is this?!" the woman asked rudely.

"This is Dean Winchester. Castiel is close with me." Dean tried.

"Castiel needs to get his act together and call me as soon as possible. I do not appreciate strangers answering his phone. The little faggot...he's probably off being a cock-slut somewhere." she sighed.

"Excuse me?" he mocked, with rage. "What was that?"

"Oh, you probably don't know he's a fag. Well, we tried to fix him but it didn't work. I found some weird stor- Wait. You are Dean Winchester!"

"That's right bitch. Ever talk about my boyfriend like that again and I will kill you. You got lucky this time. I have his phone because I'm worried he might try and fuckin' kill himself. Leave him the hell alone. I love him more than some condescending asshole would ever understand. Do yourself a favor and just get the fuck out of here."

He hung up and slammed the phone down on his workbench.

"What the hells wrong with ya' idjit! Don't bang things around like that." Bobby grumbled into the room.

Dean's knuckles turned white as he gripped the side of the work bench.


He whipped around, tears starting to spill from his eyes.

"What's goin' on?" Bobby tried.

The blonde slammed his fist down and rubbed at his face.

"They can't say things like that about Cas. I don't like it. It isn't fair, Bobby."

"Calm down son, no use getting angry if there ain't nothin' you can do 'bout it."

Dean was already gone.


"Dean! What are you doing home so-"

The elder Winchester rushed past Sam into his bedroom.

He pounced on Castiel, hugging him tightly and nuzzling his face into the shorter mans neck.

"Darling? Are you alright? You don't get off work for at least another hour or so..."

"I love you Cas." he stammered, his cheeks wet with tears.

"What happened?"

"Your mom called. She called you a faggot cock-slut, I called her a bitch, she knows about us."

Castiel's eyes widened.

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