-Chapter 37 (Pt. 2)-

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Nate pulls the Station Waggon over on the side of the road about 2 hours later, after we cross the state line, all of us too tired to carry on. So once we get to one of the three camping grounds we're going to stop at, we all clamber out of the car and stretch our legs.

"Oh god, feel that air!" Victoria exclaims, stretching out like a cat once she slips out of the cramped car.

"You guys go ahead and relax, Chloe and I'll set up the tents," Nate says, popping the trunk open and pulling out multiple bags, setting them down on the ground beside him.

"We have one for Brooke and Kate, one for Tori, and one for us, Max," Chloe says, picking up one of the bags.

"I'm gonna stay in the car, keep it safe and give you gals some privacy" He adds.

"Ew, it's not like we're going to do anything," Kate says, shooting Brooke a nervous look.

"Sure... we aren't," she replies with a smirk.

Victoria groans and rolls her eyes. "Well, while you all sex it up over here... I'm going to have a smoke break. Holla if you need me" She says, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and walking over to a set of picnic tables.

I chuckle a bit and look around, taking in our surroundings. The campground is just like the ones I've seen in movies, complete with a fire pit, outhouses, picnic tables and places for the tents. "This place is cool," I say, walking up to Chloe as she dumps the contents of one of the bags on the ground and begins to build our tent.

"Fuck yeah it is," she says, "You ever been camping?".

I shake my head.

"Well, then m'lady. Prepare to be amazed! We can make smores, stargaze, take a walk in nature, etc, etc,".

I giggle a little and bend down in front of Chloe, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Heh, what was that for?" she asks, rubbing said cheek.

"I'm just so proud of you," I whisper, "You've been through hell and back and you just... keep going. I wish I had the strength, and you honestly don't know how much I admire and look up to you, Chloe Price. I wish I could be half the person you are".

Chloe pauses and looks completely gobsmacked, seeming genuinely shocked by the words I just said. "Max..." she begins, struggling for words, "I... I honestly don't know what to say to that, or if I even should".

"You don't have to," I say, "Your reaction is good enough".

"I love you so much... you know that right?" she asks, returning her attention to building the tent for a moment.

"Of course".

Chloe hums with pleasure for a moment, smiling ear to ear. "We'll talk more once I get the tents up... it'll give us a bit more privacy," she says, pointing to Brooke who's making inappropriate hand gestures.

I chuckle a little and nod, standing back up and deciding to explore around a little and take some pictures. "Alright... see you in a bit," I say, giving her another soft kiss.

I turn back to Brooke and stick my tongue out at her, watching as she rolls her eyes and flips me off.

"You two play nice okay?" Kate says, lowering her girlfriend's hand, "We're here to relax, not be at each other's throats".

"Aww, we're just messing around," Brooke says, giving me a high-five when I come up, "Right, Max?".

"Heh, yeah. We're good, Kate... just a few friends messing around" I say, rubbing at the back of my neck.

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