-Chapter 8-

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I stand alone in the parking lot of Blackwell waiting for Chloe to come back with the last bit of luggage.

"Pfft, we're only going to be gone two weeks, not like you're going to need all that"  I'd told her in one of our earlier conversations.

"Well ya never know what you need 'till ya need it, so best pack everything," she'd replied with her signature smile.

I laugh quietly to myself and breath warm air into my cold hands. Sure it'd get cold up in Seattle, but not like this... I think it actually might snow tonight.

I quickly get bored of waiting and start counting all the parked cars in the lot, destined to make my fully charged phone last the whole two days.

Huh, 13 cars including the motorhome, which is still parked in the corner.

Hmm, I wonder if...

I don't even get to finish my thought because the door to the R.V swings open and out steps the man I saw earlier.

A mean looking dog steps out with him so I keep my distance.

Frank and... Pompidou, I think, remembering how Chloe told me their names.

Pfft, Pompidou?

That's a poodle's name, but, Chloe says the man loves the dog so... who am I to judge.

Speaking of, where the fuck is Chloe... she should be here by now.

I look down at my watch that flashes 10:45 pm. 

"*sigh* goddammit, Chloe".

I look back at the RV in horror, recognizing a voice coming from that direction.

Rachel exits the vehicle and saunters over to Frank and calls to him, grabbing the man by the shirt and practically mauling him against the RV.

My stomach churns at the sight because I just realized something. I never felt anything from Rachel... like... like how I could tell Chloe was gay just by being around her.

Rachel never gave me that vibe... ever.

So she's 'straight' straight and not Bi like I had originally thought.

I close my eyes briefly and shake my head, turning away from the scene, still feeling physically sick.

The feeling worsens when I see Chloe standing right in front of me.

I almost scream, but I hold my tongue, not wanting to make our presence known.

She just... stands there, staring at her ' girlfriend' in horror and disgust.

"C-Chloe?" I eek out, realizing she has something in her hands.

The set of keys is gripped so tightly in my friend's hands, I'm afraid that she might be hurting herself.

I reach for her but she jolts away and looks down at me with this look... a look I've seen before... a look that scares me shitless.

"D-don't..." I beg, knowing what she's thinking.

But Chloe doesn't listen.

She takes the keys and flips open her pocket knife, jabbing it into stomach before I even blink.


" NO! " I scream, jolting awake from my deep slumber.

"Shit! Whoa... whoa, hey, hey, Chill. It's just a dream," Chloe says, trying to get me to relax from my minor panic attack.

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