-Chapter 31-

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OCC: I couldn't decide which song I should use for this Chapter so I thought I'd let you (The Reader) decide:

-Kids- Emily Kinney or -Maybe We Should- The Black Queen

Or... you can look this up on Youtube: Life is Strange cosplay - Happy Valentine's Day.


Chloe's room is much smaller than mine, but then again, this is the financial aid building and all the rooms are small.

But I hardly notice, I'm a bit too preoccupied to even care.

We both kick off our shoes and strip off our coats, abandoning them on the ground before crashing hard onto the bed.

"God, I love you. I love you so much, Max," she mutters between kisses, her voice full of love and lust.

"I love you more," I reply, lightly biting her lower lip as she pulls away.

She looks down at me with red glassy eyes and smiles, "You mean everything to me, Maxie... I'm so lucky to have you in my life,".

"I wouldn't have a life without you, Chlobear," I say, placing warm on her cheeks and jawline.

Chloe lets out an odd breath before pressing more of her weight onto me, basically lying on top of me.

My breath catches in my throat, greatly enjoying the feeling of her body pressed up against mine, but it doesn't last because Chloe soon rolls over and lays beside me.

"L- let's lay down for a bit... yeah?".

I nod, panting a little from all the making out, "Yeah...".

So, once Chloe throws a thick blanket over us, we cuddle up against each other for a while, listening to each other's breathing begin to go back to normal.

I feel her hand come up and rest on the side of my face, her thumb swiping over my cheek.

I hum with approval and press her hand closer, kissing the tip of her nose.

She leans in, showering my face and lips with featherlight kisses.

I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying every moment of this whole experience.

Chloe's slow, soft kisses soon start growing more intense and passionate, but at the same time... hesitant.

"Chloe," I mumble once she pulls away to catch her breath.

She looks over at me with those intoxicating blue eyes and smiles shyly.

I smile back, moving her hand from my face to my lower back, sliding it under my shirt.

Chloe goes stiff and looks up at me questioningly, "M- Max?".

"You don't have to... but, if you want... you can".

She nods vigorously for a second before kissing me again, our noses brushing up against each other.

I hiccup a few times, which makes Chloe giggle, her momentary panic dissipating within seconds.

I smile and kiss her with more of an open mouth, feeling as she does the same.

Slowly, as she becomes more relaxed, I feel Chloe's hand inch up my back and towards my bra.

The sight alcohol in my system is making me antsy and impatient, but I hold my needs down until Chloe's ready.

After a few minutes of making out, Chloe's hand finally reaches the thin strip of fabric holding my bra on. I can feel her hand shaking as she struggles to undo the hooks, growing more embarrassed and flustered by the second.

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