-Chapter 35-

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A very special thanks to my Tumblr friend, amber-price-is-hot for helping me out with this chapter! Your help means a lot (ᵔᴥᵔ)


~Chloe's P.O.V~

I wake up gasping for air when ice cold water is poured over my head, sending a violent spasm throughout my body.

I cough hard, still struggling to get any air as I choke on nothing.

"Fuck fuck fuck, that's cold... that's so cold," I mutter once I find my bearings, my teeth chattering.

"Forgive me for that," A voice says through the darkness surrounding me, "Well, actually... not so much".

I stiffen up and toss my head around, seeing nothing but darkness around me.


I jump when a blinding light is suddenly shown on my face, causing my eyes to burn for a moment.

Once my vision clears, I focus my sight on a figure standing right in front of me and my heart drops.

"R- Rachel".

She smirks at me with that evil grin on her lips and winks, "Surprised to see me?".

I scan her face, my eyes growing wide when I see her hair has been shaved back, giving her a clean pixie cut.

"No... no, fuck you, fuck you. You're supposed to be in jail!" I scream at her.

"I was... for a time," she continues, smoothing her hand over her head, "but daddy dearest would not leave me in the hands of those pigs".

"You're supposed to be in jail!" I repeat, unsure of what else I can say aside from the obvious, "You got 6 years... no parole for 3. I was there... you... you can't be here!".

"Oh but I am,"Rachel says, dragging a chair up so she can sit in front of me, "Hell is empty and all the devils are here".

"You are the devil!" I spit, trying to push her away only to find my hands are tied down to the chair I'm sitting on. Panic sets in at this point, my heart pounding wildly in my chest and I anxiously look around the sterile, white room I'm trapped in. "Where the fuck am I? Where's Max, Where's Nathan!".

"Calm yourself," Rachel says, "They're alive... for now".

"Why are you doing this?! What did we ever do to you!" I yell, my voice cracking with emotion.

"Why do you think, Chloe. Why do you think any of this is happening?".

"I don't know! Just fucking... let me go! Let us go," I continue, struggling in the chair I'm tied down on.

My muscles are cramping from the cold, making it hard to move.

"Not until you get it through your thick skull that this is what you deserve, this is what she deserves for messing with me,".

"Don't you dare hurt her!" I yell, "Don't you fucking touch her! Or Nathan!".

Rachel chuckles, "It's a little late for that,".

I scream, loud and sharp, enough to make the blonde flinch.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you! You're dead if there's so much as a scratch on them! Let me go you bitch!".

She groans and presses her fingers against her temples, gesturing at something behind me, "I know you wouldn't hurt a thing, Chloe. You're a pacifist, remember? And that's what makes this so fun. Now, shut up, I don't have time for this,".

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