-Chapter 24-

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Mid-morning in Joyce's diner is... busy. Too busy for my liking. The loud clanking of the dishes and silverware sound more like nails on chalkboards in my head. Being around so many people is starting to make me anxious.

The moment Chloe and I step in the diner, Joyce, Kate, Brooke and Victoria rush up to me, embracing me in a big bear hug. I yelp a little, take aback by the sheer force of their concern.

"Come on, come on. Give the Kid some space," Chloe snaps, trying to keep her anger in check.

They all take a step back and say how glad they are that I'm safe and okay.

"Thanks. I- it's great to be back," I mumble, taking a subconscious step towards Chloe.

"Well, you heard the woman," Joyce says with a smile, "Why don't you gals go sit down. Breakfast is on me today".

Chloe nods in thanks and follows me as the other girls lead us to an open booth.

"Oh, Max. it's such a relief to see you!" Kate exclaims, taking my hands from across the table, "We were all so worried about you".

I nod and look down, sliding my hands back to my person. I wish I could say something, say how thankful I am that I have such good friends, but I just can't find my voice.

Maybe this was a mistake... maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this.

"So... I uh, I don't think we've properly met," Victoria says with a simple smile.

I look up and wave my hand at her, whispering "Hi".

Chloe elbows me softly in the side as if trying to encourage me to open up a little. It does make me feel a little better that Chloe is sitting right next to me. Her strong, warm presence makes me feel safe and protected.

I sigh inwardly and extend my hand out to Victoria, not wanting to seem like a total dick. "I'm Max".

She chuckles, "Yes, I know who you are and I'm sure you know who I am too. I was just hoping we could get to know each other a little better, maybe even become friends".

"T- that'd be cool... I've seen your work. It's very Richard Avedon-esque" I mutter without really meaning to.

Damn my photo-nerdiness.

I look up again to see a rather impressed looking Victoria Chase. "Thanks. He's one of my hero's". I smile awkwardly, wishing pretty hard that I can just disappear. I honestly don't like all the attention I'm getting. I- I feel like everyone is watching me, silently judging me.

"Well, if we're all done bonding," Brooke cuts in rather abruptly, "I'd like to order something this century".

"Piss off, Brooke," Chloe snaps coldly, "This is kind of hard for Max in case you haven't noticed".

No! I don't need more attention!

She scoffs and rolls her eyes until Kate tells her to behave.

The others quickly pick up on my weird mood and keep to themselves (for the most part). Chloe sees my mild effort to open up but doesn't pressure me, even stepping up and answering things for me. It's a nice gesture and all, but I can't help worrying that someone might take it the wrong way.

"Come on, dude," Chloe says once Joyce brings us all our menus, "We've both had a rough few days but that doesn't we can't... can't uh...". She fumbles for words, unable to make light of this situation.

"I think what Chloe means is... whatever happened to you guys that's clearly way too cool for us to know about, it shouldn't stop you from having fun and talking shit with your friends," Victoria ( or Tori as everyone calls her) chimes in from between Brooke and Kate.

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