-Chapter 26-

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OCC: This Chapter does have a major Trigger Warning and without spoilers, it's kinda darker than the stuff I've written previously. I have hinted at it throughout the story so I, unfortunately, couldn't just drop it. This is probably going to be the only time I will actually talk about it in the story directly, all other instances (in the future) will be small hints or references. Anyways, please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts and feeling in the comments, I'd love to hear what you think of my story so far. 


"Oh no, did I get too close, oh?

Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?

All your insecurities

All the dirty laundry

Never made me blink one time"

I stand alone in the shower block, softly singing the that's stuck in my head. Ugh, I needed a shower after last night, I smell like chlorine. I smile dumbly at myself, my mind going over last night in the pool. That whole experience had been so romantic and special and... weirdly intimate in the best possible way.

It's cold and quiet this morning, but that's probably because it's barely 5 AM. I've been accustomed to waking up early every other day to shower alone, still sorta self-conscious about showering around other people. It's still early so I'm the only one awake as far as I know. I was able to slip out of bed without Chloe noticing, leaving her hogging up my entire pillow.

It felt nice having someone there next to me, holding me and comforting me. I- I'm not exactly used to it, I mean... my parents never had to sleep with me when I was a kid, they alway expected me to deal with my own problems. *sigh*, that's probably why I'm so independent sometimes.

An odd pang of sorrow and loss shoot through my chest as I think about my parents and my past, but I don't let that pain take me... I shake my head and take a deep breath, filling my mind with happier more pleasant thoughts. Like Chloe. I smile again, continuing singing.

"Come just as you are to me

Don't need apologies

Know that you are all worthy

I'll take your bad days with your good

Walk through this storm I would

I'd do it all because I love you, I love you"

I jump a little, hearing someone else enter the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind them. Must be Victoria, I think, remembering running into her more than a few times over the course of my time here at Blackwell. I sigh and rinse out my hair, listening as whoever entered the bathroom pads around the room, their feet splashing in the moisture puddles left on the ground.

"Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?"


I jump again, shutting off the water and grabbing the shower curtain and wrapping it slightly around me as I look out at the person who called my name.


The tall punk stands just outside my shower stall, wearing her nightshirt and short shorts. Her bare skin looks pale, but her face is red from crying.

"M- Max" she mutters again, her weak, vulnerable voice sending my worry right through the roof.

"Chloe, what... what's wrong?" I ask.

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