-Chapter 30-

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-Buzz Buzz-

I lift my head up from off of my desk, feeling a grossly warm pool of dribble forming at the edge of my mouth.

I absently wipe at it as I yawn and stretch out, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

My school work is still sprawled out in front of me, spots of dribble staining the half-written paper.

Shit... how long was I out? I think to myself before grabbing my phone, dragging it up to my face.

"H- hello?", I mutter, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Heyy, babe. Just calling to make sure you're ready for the party! I'm pullin' up to Blackwell now... sooo see ya in like, 5 minutes?".

I blink and sit up, immediately fully awake, "What?! Oh... shit. Y- Yeah... I'll be ready!".

I literally jump out of my seat, nearly falling on the ground as I rush to my closet. I look down at my watch, seeing the time now flashing 7:45.

I slept for 6 hours?! Seriously?!

Chloe snickers a bit, "So, I take it you aren't ready yet?".

I blush and nod to myself, "You know me well".

"Heh, perks of being your girlfriend, eh?".

"Sorry, I totally passed out after trying to get some work done for Katjaa's History class,".

"Snore. No wonder you fell asleep, sounds like a snoooze-fest!".

"It is," I admit, finally finding a suitable outfit, "But good thing I have a hot date to distract me,".

Chloe laughs, "You are adorable, Caulfield. Never Change".

"I don't intend to,".

"Good. 'cause girl, you're amazing, just the way you are!" she says with an extra giddy giggle.

"Chloe, are you... drunk?" I ask, hearing an odd dip in her voice.

"No. Not drunk, high mostly,".


"Sorry... I got anxious waiting," she explains, "And I try not drink anymore... ".

I go quiet... knowing the reason why she's trying to sober up.

"Y- you don't have to do that for me," I say softly.

"Trust me, Max. I do. I don't... I don't want you to be afraid of me,".

"Chloe... I'm not going to be afraid of you,".

"You don't know that, Max... you know how easily angry I get and... I don't trust myself when I'm like that,".

"But I trust you..." I mutter, needing her to know this.

"I know, Maxie... I know. *sigh* Anyway, I'm comin' up the stairs now... be ready when I get there?".

I nod to myself again, "You bet,". "K. Love you,".

"Me too, babe. See you in a bit," I say before finally hanging my phone on my bed as I quickly strip down and slip into the only nice outfit I own.

It's just a simple pair of red jeans, a dark navy blue sweater with cute little heart decals and some solid red sneakers so it's nothing special, but, it's cute and I pray to god Chloe likes it.

What am I talking about... of course, Chloe will like it. She loves anything you wear.

I blush and hum to myself, "Even if I'm not wearing anything".

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