-Chapter 28-

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I don't expect Chloe to be there when I wake up the next morning, so it's no surprise when I find her bed empty.

Sighing a bit, I roll over and lay flat on my back, staring blankly at the ceiling. It's so... quiet. I've gotten used to Chloe blasting her punk music in the morning while we danced like idiots on our beds.

Since we got back from break, that's sorta become our bonding ritual. Chloe'd try and get me into her hard punk rock band while I tried to introduce her to my soft indie hipster bands.

I reach over for my small disposable phone, praying that I to find a text from my blue-haired punk but my notifications are clear.

I sigh once more before grabbing the remote to my hi-fi, switching it on and letting a waft through the speakers.

God, I hope this doesn't ruin our plans for Friday, I think to myself as I roll out of bed, trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my day.

I honestly don't feel like doing much considering my/our current predicament, but... I don't want to stay holed up in my room all week. Sliding my closet door open, I pick out a thick navy blue hoodie, dark pants, and some sturdy boots. Since it's still winter and it's been snowing for the past few days, my sneakers no longer suffice.

It's still pretty early in the morning, but just late enough that everyone is already off to class. I- I know I'm being an asshole by avoiding/ignoring my friends, but I honestly don't know how I can tell them about me and Chloe's situation when I can't even handle it myself.

"I- it's not like she's breaking up with you," I mutter anxiously as I change, "Right?".

No... no self-doubt, Max. Not now.

I take another deep breath before I begin changing.

I've always been really self-conscious about my body, but right now, knowing that Chloe's going to see me in all my glory, actually scares me shitless.

She's already seen you in your bra and panties, Max. It won't be that different.

I roll my eyes and pause in front of my mirror, taking a look at my bare semi-nude body.

There are scars all over my body, some visible to the naked eye, others you have to know where to look. I sigh and scratch at some on my arm, my hand trailing down to my sorry excuse for a clevage. Small freckles cover my collarbone and shoulders, painting my skin like a sky full of stars. I look down at my hips that hold absolutely no shape.

God, why do I have to be so fucking skinny? I think to myself, shaking my head slightly. It's just like me to get super self-conscious about myself and self-image. I scoff and roll my eyes, finally changing my clothes like I'm supposed to be doing. Once I've dressed, I take one last look in the mirror, forcing a smile on my pale, freckled face, as I step out the door.

I don't know where I'm going to go since I can't exactly loiter around campus all day and I don't exactly have a car anymore. Turns out my parents hate me so much that they stopped helping me make my car payments, so I was forced to sell it.

At least I've got some extra spending cash to blow on something cool.

Maybe I'll do something cool for Chloe's birthday next month, I think to myself as I shuffle down the stairs and out into the snow-covered campus.

I cup my hands and blow warm air into them, the cold frigid air biting at my bare skin. "Fuck it's cold...".

"Pfft, tell me about it," Says a familiar voice.

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