Chapter 15

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~~Jess Pov ~~

"I see you’re with Louis...."

I spun around on my chair and turned to face two of the people that I hated with a passion. There stood Katherine with her deep brown locks covering half her face with a handbag slouched on one shoulder and her arm linked with Zayn's who had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing a mount load of tattoos that I once had fallen in love with. His hair was messier than usual and all I could smell was his fag ash breath as he breathed down my neck. 

"Is it any of your concern as to who I’m with?" I said now looking at Katherine. My breath hitched in my throat making my voice sound weaker than it already was. 

"Well, technically yes seeing that you stole my boyfriend away from me in the first place. You see me and Louis go back a long time. He's done things that you wouldn't believe. He's hurt people Jessica; he’s USED stupid girls like yourself to make mon-"

"SHUT UP!" I cut her off. My eyes began to fill up with tears as I was lost for words. A part of me was telling me that every word she was saying was true, but another part told me that she was bluffing and being the usual scheming bitch she was. 

"Can you not handle the truth Jessica" It was Zayn who spoke this time. I shuddered with fear as my full name came out of lips. He got down on one knee so that he was eye level with me and placed his hand on my knee, gently caressing my thighs. All I could see was Katherine smirking from the corner of my eye as she looked down at me. 

"Listen love, I’ll make you a deal" he paused for a second before coming out with the words I dreaded to hear. 

"You come back to me and let Katherine have Louis back. That way everyone will win" He said with a smirk.

"Everyone but me you mean" I mumbled, getting slightly irritated as to where his hands were going. I tried to brush them off, but Katherine gripped onto them from behind and held me back. She could see that I was afraid of him but yet she showed no sympathy for me.

"If you refuse, I’ll be sure to share this with the rest of the world" He continued his sentence as he stood up and pulled out a small square case from his back pocket and held it between his fingers. It was a CD that had inked writing on the cover which read, "Porn with Jess ;)". 

I gasped as I read the writing whilst Zayn chuckled in the background. Katherine’s face presented some shade of colour as it lit up with joy and pure evilness. They were going to use my past against me. I’ve done some things that I regret but only because I didn't have a choice and I was living rough. 

"You’ve got until the end of this week to break up with him. If not, you better start planning your funeral bitch" Katherine spat at me as she slapped me across the face. I winced in pain as she strutted away whilst Zayn looked at me for a second. His deep brown eyes reminded me of Louis; they showed pain and hurt, as if he was begging for forgiveness. But I was wrong; he smirked at me and walked out. I was a fool to trust him in the first place.

A whole two hours had passed and yet only the title of my assignment was written. I got up from my chair and headed out of the library and down the corridor towards my locker. Opening the lock I threw my books in and applied some foundation over the redness of my cheek by using the small mirror that I had stuck on the side of the door. I let out a deep sigh as I looked at my reflection. I wasn't going to give up on Louis that easily. 

"Jess you ready to go?" Courtney shouted from the other end of the corridor. 

I raised an eyebrow at her, asking her to explain more.

"Shopping. Halloween. Party ring any bells"

"Oh, yeah lets go. Where’s Louis?" I asked her. I had completely forgotten about our shopping trip and all I could think of was being cuddled up with Louis and his soothing words telling me that everything’s was going to be okay.

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