Final Authors Note + Thank You

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Before you all kill me for not putting Jess and Louis together there's a reason behind it.

I didn't want to do a cliche happily ever after so I left it on a cliffhanger. I also wanted to leave some questions unanswered for example:

Courtney and Katherine fell from the balcony - do they survive, do they die?

What happens to Zayn and Jess?

What will happen to Louis?


I have no plans for a sequal atm but as I have left questions still to be answered there's a chance of me writing one.

But if I do write one ill alert everyone on here first.


Im also looking for an editor for this book.


And finally I would like to Thank everyone who has been reading this book since day one. I have lost readers and I have gained them and I've met some great people since writing this book. I would like to thank each and every one of you. :)

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