Chapter 28

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~~Louis Pov~~

"What do you mean you were playing me"

I knew I didn't want to here the answer but I was determined to find out why I was on the end of his pathetic little games.

"It's just..... I still .... I still have feelings for her Jess" Louis told me.

Have, surely you mean HAD feelings for her?

"Who?" I stupidly asked even though I already knew that he was referring to katherine. My voice began to break down with every breath between the sobs of tears.


What! Why! How!

"....Look I promised myself that I would tell you everything-" Louis said but I cut him off before he could say another word.

It felt as if a tone of bricks fell down onto me. My heart ached and my eyes were sore from all the tears I had wasted on him.

"Why...why Louis, why her even Katherine seems like a better idea right now why her!"

Louis pinched the bridge of his nose and looked away. I had forgotten that we were still in the park that was no longer deserted.

"I don't know" Was all he said.

"When I joined, I was hoping for a fresh start away from all the drama but when I saw you and Courtney all the memories came floodig back"

"What memories" I didn't want to hear him out but a part of me wanted to. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to cope afterwards.

"Memories of Christina. Courtney is a spitting image of her. Her bleech blonde hair, her body curves, her facial stucture everything"

Jess sat in silence looking into the distance as Louis continued his plea.

He wanted to tell me everything. Fine I was listening.

"I thought that if I got Courtney's attention maybe she would have healed the pain from my loss but she was much harder to gain. So I picked you"

"What so all this time we've been 'together' you've been fucking your ex and having feelings for my bestfriend! Did you not give a second thought about me" I whispered the last part as I broke down into another verge of tears.

"I'm done"

"Jess wait-"

"I said I'm done"

The chilly December air was getting colder and it was now beginning to snow.

It was too late to turn back because by now I was already out of the park gates with Louis pleas still ehoing in the background.

From all the people. From all the girls in the school he decided to have feelings for Courtney. My bestfriend that I've known since birth. My head hurted from overthinking and my vision was beginning to get blurred from all the tears. I believe I would have been less shocked if he told me he still had feelings for Katherine but Courtney? I just couldn't process it.

My muddy boots made their way the streets of Doncaster and stopped when a familiar blue door came into vision.

That girl had a lot of explaining to do.

Just as I was about to ring the door bell my phone buzzed rapidly in my pocket. I had several text messages from Louis:

Dear Jessica

I may not be able to show you my past but I hope you take the time to read my reasons behind the truth....

I met the two sisters in a club one day and like you and Courtney, Katherine and Christina caught my eye straight away. Blondes were never my type, that was until I saw her

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