Chapter 12

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~~Jess Pov~~

His warm kisses melted into my mouth. I didn't realise what I was doing or where I was until I felt a cold hand travel up my thigh and under my skirt sending me shivers all down my body which he responded well to. Our lips remained attached as I tried to push his hand away from my leg. The fact that I was wearing a short pencil skirt and no tights made the whole situation heat up as I was starting to feel uncomfortable and began to push him away.

"Louis stop" I tried to say with as much confidence in my voice as possible but instead it came out as a small whimper and a quiet moan.

"Hmm are you not enjoying my touch baby" He teased as he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him. His eyes had darkened over the last 10 minutes to a deep blue colour. The car began to steam up with the air being blown from the heater as the rain continued to pour outside making the windows all foggy so that nobody could see inside the car.

"That shouldn't have happened. Leave me alone!". I moaned as tear drops began to fall down my face.

"Now why would I want to do that?" he smirked.

"Please stop..." I was cut off mid sentence as I felt his hand stroking my hair away from my neck as he lent forward and kissed me. His touch was gentle at first but by the time he had me lost in his control, he forced his tongue down my throat and pinned both of my arms together above my head with his hand. I inhaled the smell of ash and mint as it burned down my throat making me gag.

"I'm not going to hurt you Jess, you and I both know that too well. Don't think I'm letting you go that easily. Your mine".

I detached myself from his lips and tugged at the car door handle slamming it on my way out and ran up the patio steps towards the front door in attempt to avoid the rain. I searched through my bag for the house keys which didn't go down to well as it fell to the floor, scattering my books and make up across the stoned tiles.

"Looking for something?"

I turned around and saw Louis with my house keys in his hand as I tried to pick up my books and shove everything back into my bag. Mascara ran down my face as did the rain leaving my hair in a frizzy state. Without question Louis pushed past me and unlocked the front door holding it open with his foot as he gestured me to get in. Who does he think he is.

"Are you coming in or not?" He asked sounding a little impatient.

Sighing I make my way in and head straight up to my room locking the door behind me and collapsed into my pillow. I checked my phone to see 3 unopened messages from Courtney and 1 from an unknown number:


"I'm sorry". x

I threw my phone halfway across the room and lied flat on my back taking in the details of the white painted ceiling.

~~Louis Pov~~

I sat in front of the fireplace staring at the ashes being produced. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have forced myself onto her. I guess I got lost in her touch, her plumped lips and smooth hair. I need to mark her as mine but without forcing her to win this stupid bet. The rules that Harry had stated ran through my mind like clockwork. Maybe he was right. She deserves better than me.

Sighing I pushed back the stool and head upstairs to Jess's room admiring the pictures that were hanging on the wall. A family portrait of Jess and her Mum was the first image visible. She looked much younger, maybe 12/13 I thought. As I walked up the stairs I was greeted with more paintings and portraits until I reached her room giving it a faint knock.

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