Chapter 11

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I stood outside the school gates for a good 15 minutes before the caretaker came and unlocked them, granting me access inside the school. Walking into the building I made my way down the deserted corridors and into the mathematics block. My pace increased rapidly as I rushed past the classrooms, scanning the room numbers on the way. D1, D2, D3 and finally D4 which had a note stuck on the window of the door.

"Mrs Jenkins will be covering for the day... Mr Jackson"

Taking a deep breath I check to see if the area was clear before turning the handle and letting myself in. Thankfully he left the room unlocked so it made my day a hell of a lot easier. After silently closing the door I run over the cabinet where Mr Jackson put all of his confiscated stuff and tugged on the handle. 'That son of a bitch has locked it' I cursed under my breath.

I frustatedly brushed my fingers through my hair before taking a deep breath. The clock showed 20 to 9 which meant that ideally I had less than 10 minutes to get my diary back.

Rummaging through his desk cabinet I found nothing but pens, notes and other stationary equipment however my face did lite up when I noticed a box that was labelled 'paper clips'.

Pulling one out of the box I untwist it and inserted it into the cabinet keyhole which opened instantly.

"Bingo" I said with a smile.

"Where is it!" I groaned after finding a load if mobile phones, chewing gum packets and a rubics cube?

"It's gone. My diary. My thoughts. My history. My past"

Wild thoughts ran through my brain. What if my maths teacher had taken it. I cringed at the thought of him reading through some of the most explicit stuff that I had written in there. Mr Jackson's a strange guy, he's like 40 but has no wife or kids which is freaking me out even more.

The school bell rang 3 times as the voices of students filled the corridors outside. Pushing the filing cabinet shut with one hand I walked over to the timetable that was stuck on the notice board to see when he was next in. To my luck he wasn't going to be in until next Thursday.

I exited the class room making sure to leave everything as I found it and made my way down the corridor.

"There she is" A small ginger girl whispered to her friend as I passed her.

"She's the schools slut, and I thought 'Krystal' was bad" said another.

What were they talking about. Why was I all of a sudden the talk of the school. I continued to walk down to the end of the corridor as I ignored the rumors and accusations that were being thrown at me.

Then it hit me. Turning a corner I looked around to see the walls plastered with images of a girl who had long chestnut coloured locks and dark brown eyes. Walking up to the image I pull it down and examined it. It was an image of a girl who wore nothing but a bra and panties that was hooked to the black stockings with suspenders posing on all fours on a bed. Whereas another one showed her sitting backwards on a chair so that her crotch was facing the back.

"Who's been a naughty little girl" it read.

Tears flooded down my face as I realised that the girl in the images was indeed me. The pictures from my photo shoot had been found.

~~Louis Pov~~

I walk into school to see the lads crowded around a notice board in the hallway. Since when did they ever care what was up on the notice board I thought. Walking up towards them I greet the blonde haired boy who was standing behind Harry and Zayn on tiptoes obviously trying to get a glimpse of the board.

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