Chapter 25

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Just under a week has passed and I'm still here waiting for her to come back. After all it was my mistake sleeping with Katherine. I guess I got jealous when jess left me that morning we had sex. It was as If she didn't want to be with me. She was afraid of telling me something that might make me change her opinion on her. But then again why was I having second thoughts about her. I was sat on the kitchen floor bouncing a ball off of the fridge when the sound of heels being clicked against the marble surface became louder and louder until they finally stopped in front of me.

"Are you just going to sit on your ass all day? I'm bored." Katherine spoke. Her usual attire of jeans and a top along with heels never changed.

"Drowning your sorrows isn't going to help either' she spoke referring to the several cans of beers around me.

Katherine did something unexpected and sat down beside me whilst popping open the beer can with her nails. She exchanged a look of sympathy as she drawed the can up to her rosy lips taking a small sip.

"I've screwed up haven't I?" she said quietly murmured throwing her head back against the kitchen cabinet.

Her expressions shocked me.


"You and jess. You were never happy with me were you? Christina's the reason you hate me. I killed her"

I was shocked. Everything that was building up inside her came flooding out as if it was a dam that had just broken. It is said that the truth comes out when you're drunk and all it took was that one drink.

"You could say that' I bitterly replied.

"Look, it wasn't my fault was it? You had a thing for my sister. I was jealous okay'

"You didn't just kill Christina Katherine. You killed the man she loved just because you were jealous and possessed by your own sister's happiness"

"I'm done with you Katherine' I said pushing myself up as I went to throw my beer can in the trash.

Adrenaline flushed through me. I couldn't think straight. Suddenly the room began to move and I was beginning to feel unconscious but it quickly faded.

I had to go see jess. I had to win her back.

~~Jess Pov~~

I woke up in pitch blackness. Darkness was all I could see and it was beginning to blind me. I sat up, searching for my phone or a clock even to figure out what the time was. The bedside table beside me was no longer there and I was beginning to lose hope that I was in my own room. I sucked in my breath, swinging my legs of the side of the double bed and went to search for light.

The environment was unfamiliar to me. My tall wardrobe that once sat against the window wall was no longer there. I tiptoed towards the door, rubbing my eyes every now and then to stop them from hurting. Funnily enough the door was left unlocked and opened instantly when I pulled it towards me. My eyes adjusted to the light and then I realised that it wasn't my home. It was his.

The thin silky nightgown clutched to my body which is weird because the last thing I remembered was going to bed in my fleecy pyjamas. Once again I took a deep breath walking around to familiarise my surroundings and maybe find out where exactly I was. I began to take my first step down the stairs, the creek filling the eerie atmosphere when a voice filled the room.

"Jessssiccca" he singsonged.

I gasped at the sound of his voice, hurrying back up the stairs and into my - well his room.

"Baby where are you? I only left you for a few minutes and even then you can't behave yourself can you" Zayn called his voice getting louder and louder as he walked up the stairs.

I pulled open the wardrobe and slid in shutting the door silently behind me. The muggy atmosphere and darkness was causing me to breath more and I had a feeling he could hear it. The sound of the door being pushed and heavy thuds of footsteps came closer and closer.

"Jessica where the fuck are you. It's too early to be yelling at you so I suggest you get the fuck out from your pathetic little hiding place" His voice was at a different tone. It got quieter and then louder suggesting that he went to search the other rooms before going back to his room.

"You do realise that I know exactly where you are so I suggest that you get out of the wardrobe before I come and drag your ass out myself and make you pay"

I gulped. I could hear him counting to five in the background.




His footsteps got louder and louder as he approved the wardrobe. I mentally hated myself for not jumping out of the window or something, anything to get away from him.



I closed my eyes as the doors swinged opened. Zayn looked down at me like a pleased kid who had one at hide and seek. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I knew I was in trouble.

"Get out" Zayn said dragging me by the silk of the nightgown causing it to rip slightly.

"Let me go"

"I want to go back to Louis" I protested in his arms as he threw me down on to the bed. I crawled back until I finally hit the headboard.

He smirked at me as he too crawled onto the bed.

"But Louis cheated on you remember. For Katherine" he reminded me.

I shook my head in attempt to delete the memory from my mind.

"Louis can't make you scream like I can" his hands drew circles on my inner thighs as he crawled further onto me.

"He's afraid to take control with you."

His belt buckle was undone, the only sound coming from the metal clinking.

"I can give you a lifetime of pleasure. His lips attached themselves to my neck as he began to bite and suck. Silent moans being caught in my throat

"All you have to do is ask Jessica" he viciously smiled as he went onto attack my lips.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter my minds a bit blank atm. 

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Ella :)x

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