Chapter 33 Lord Richard Brandon

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I left Elisabeth before the doors of our chambers and ran through the halls in search of my mother and our physician Mr. Abbot. Her whole attitude was not normal, her lack of appetite, her indisposition and I was helpless. Luckily I did not have to search too far for upon turning the corner towards my parents' chambers I saw my mother and Mr. Abbot coming my way.


"Sorry Mother, Mr. Abbot. I was coming to find you. Elisabeth has agreed to be seen by you Mr. Abbot, but she would like to have you there with her." I stated to my mother.

Throughout our walk towards our chamber and Elisabeth I explained as much as could all that I had noticed of her symptoms. When we arrived at the door my mother and Mr. Abbot walked in and as I was about to walk in after them my mother turns my way and asks that I wait. For the discussion they will need to have is of a private matter. I am her husband there is nothing private between us. I paced the hall not understanding why I needed to be kept from my wife.

I paced up and down the hall, maybe for a few moments maybe for a few hours, but then the door opened and out walked Mr. Abbot and with a bow and without a word he walked past me. I watched him go and then looked back to my mother when she gently placed a hand on my arm.

"You may go in Richard."


"All is well, but it is Elisabeth that would like to see you at this moment. Go to her." And with those words she pushed me and closed the door behind me.

I stood there just watching her with all the possible things that could be wrong with her running through my mind.

"Are you going to stand there and look at me with that worry look in your eye or will you come into bed with me? I have something I must say to you of great importance." I could have stood throughout the day if it was not for a small voice coming from our bed. I looked up and saw her small hand reach out for me.

Walking quickly into our bed I took her hand in mine and took my clothing off sliding by her side. She smiled and asked me to place my head on her lap and while she gently slid her fingers through my hair she sweetly said, "I know you have been worrying for me this past week and with the help of your mother and our physician I have been surprisingly reassured that my illness of a short duration."

I sat up and looked into her eyes. The way she looked at me somehow re assured me. "That is good to know, but you have yet to tell me what is fairing with you. I do not like being in the dark and not knowing. Please dearest tell me."

She placed her hand on my check and whispered, "I am with child, Richard. We are to have our first child by the end of the year if all goes well."

"A child? Our child?" I could not believe my ears.


I took her in my arms and held her tightly. I was thrilled of the idea. She moaned some and I let go of her asking if I had hurt her. She gently patted my arm and reassured me that I had not. "Is this why you are not able to eat?" I asked

"Yes, our child does not care for certain foods that our cook has made for us. Mr. Abbot has given mother and Lillian some instructions that need to be need to be followed for my comfort that of my... our child. Now that I have told you we can tell the others. Before anyone else we must tell your father, I would not like for him to know from anyone else but us. I will send a letter to my father and brothers of our news. You might want to share the news to our king."

"I will ask for father to be sent for this instant." I pulled the chord and we waited for a servant to come to us. I asked Winthrop to ask for my father and mother to come and join us in our rooms. During the time we awaited I helped Elisabeth dress into something better suited for the news we were about to share with our family. Not long after Elisabeth was seated before the roaring fire a slight knock was heard on our door. I called to enter and both of my parents walked in. I knew that my mother was aware of our news, but I was not sure if she has shared the news with my father and then she gave me a look that gave me the information I needed.

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