Chapter 14 Lord Richard Brandon

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I as walked into my rooms I found my mother pacing the floor in a way that was extremely disconcerting to me. Never had I seen her like this. It seems she had been waiting not far from my rooms and waited long enough to make sure I was in fact alone.

"You are not with your wife, my son?"

"She is resting mother. It has been a long morning. I did not want to push her too much."

"My sweet son, you are always thinking of others. But how are you my dear? Are you happy?" She gently patted her my cheek, a gest all too familiar and very much welcomed. I could not help myself and press her hand against my cheek.

"I think I will be happy with her. She does not seem at all like her mother and of that I am glad. Do you know that the woman had the nerve to barge into our chambers this morning?"

"No? How could she do such a thing? Were you...?"

"Luckily we were both descent... well descent enough and even if we were not she had no right. Elisabeth has suffered enough by the hands of that woman. I will not let her be mistreated in any way possible, not ever again. Hopefully she heard my warning and she will treat her daughter with a little more respect."

"You have become very fond of her, have you not?"

"How can I not? She is not at all shy. She has much spirit inside of her and once I was able to break that shell she uses to protect herself I found her to be everything I ever wanted in a wife. Hopefully she will learn to confide in me and even love me? She has opened up some since we have met, not much, but some. I believe her mother has done some great damage to her; not only physically but also emotionally. I noticed that she often steps back from me when I try to pull her into my arms. It is not flagrant, but enough for me to notice. Yet once she releases her tension she becomes someone completely different and magnificent.

"Like I mentioned I believe with time we will be happy together."

"I am glad for you Richard. All that your father and I ever wanted for you is your happiness. Did she like her present?"

For the next hour we had a very open heart to heart talk. I told her of our first night after the wedding ceremony and on how I did everything for her comfort. I shared my concerns of how Lady Durham's mistreatment can affect my wife in our everyday life as husband and wife. Mother always the attentive woman she is gave me the words to help me relax and even find the way to help Elisabeth. The time for the evening meal was fast approaching and I had still not washed nor changed. I thanked my mother with a kiss on the cheek and helped her of the bed and guided her to the door thanking her again for all of her help.

Closing the door behind Lady Stafford and walking to get washed I realized how important my mother's affection and wisdom was important to me. I could not understand how my dear wife could have survived without a mother's kindness. She must have had an aunt or cousin to help her become the woman she was today. Throughout the rest of my preparation my thoughts would wonder back to my wife.

When finished I walked to the door communication to Elisabeth's room and I placed my ear to the door listening for movement on the other side. I did not want to interrupt her in the middle of something that might inconvenience her. Not hearing a sound I knocked on the door. When I was just about to open the door it opened and found myself facing Lillian that curtsied and moved out of the way to let me in.

"Thank you Lillian. Is my wife ready? I could come back later if needed."

"Lady Brandon is almost finished, My Lord. I just have to put on the finishing touches to her hair. If His Grace does not mind waiting near the fire in the sitting area, I will finish getting Her Ladyship ready as quickly as possible."

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