Chapter 32 Lady Elisabeth Brandon

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I watched him leave and I turned to walk into our rooms. Upon opening I found Lillian straightening the room. She looked up and seeing my face and teary eyes she stopped her doings and spread out her arms towards me. I closed the door and ran into her waiting arms crying.

"You will see them soon, Poppet. You must know that they had to leave and if it were not for their families waiting for them they would have stayed longer."

"Is it too selfish of myself to always want their presence? Do not get me wrong I love my new home and family, but I miss so dearly, their teasing and good humor."

"No dear one, it is not selfish at all it is normal. Now enough crying your dear husband will think you do not like being here with him if he sees you like this."

I moved away from her. "You are right..." A dizzy spell came of me and I almost fell to the ground if it were not for Lillian's arms reaching out for me.

"Are you well? Come sit. You look pale."

"Oh my I need...a...chamber..." I stood and ran to the nearest chamber pot in the room. I kneeled before it and relieved the little I had eaten earlier that morning. At that time there was a knock on our door and I asked Lillian to let in if it was Lady Stafford.

"Elisabeth? Dear child are you well?"

"Yes better, the feeling has left me. I am pleased to have you hear Lady Stafford."

With the help of both Lady Stafford and Lillian I was taken back to my bed. I looked around the room and just the gesture brought back the unbearable feeling. Immediately the chamber pot was placed beneath my mouth and I began to relieve my stomach again.

"Elisabeth, you do remember our physician Mr. Abbot?" I nodded towards him and she continued. "He is here to see what ails you, but from what I have noticed and heard from Richard it is nothing too serious. Mr. Abbot?"

"Lady Brandon it is a pleasure to see you again. Now if you will allow me to examine you and please do let me know if my administrations discomfort you in any way."

After Lillian had helped remove my dress and placed several more pillows behind me, Mr. Abbot began to touch my body and examine it. A few moments later he placed the blanket back on me.

"I will need for you to answer a few questions. What other symptoms have you been faring?"

"I have lost some appetite and what I do eat I relieve almost instantly. I feel more tired than usual, but that...I is due to my husband's...attentions."

"My Lady, do not forget the dizzy spells"

"Thank you Lillian. Yes I have experienced a few two this morning."

A puzzling look came to his face. "And, please I beg you to accept my apologies for asking, but when was your last bleeding?"

I thought for some time not remembering the exact moment and then I looked at Lillian.

"Her Ladyship last finished bleeding just after she came back from Essex, but nothing since, it has been almost two months."

He nodded and a smile spread on his lips. "Well, My Lady, as Lady Stafford has stated before, it is nothing too serious. You are simply with child, please accept all my deepest well wishes for the coming event." Turning to Lillian he continued, "I will give you the specific items that Her Ladyship will need during this time, but above all no more swaying swords nor riding horses. You may walk in a slow cautions way and with someone at all times beside you. We would not want you to fall and loose the child. Now would we?" He smiled and patted my hand. "Now, I will come in a week's time to make sure you are well, but if you should feel any discomfort do not hesitate to call on me."

I could not formulate a word; I just looked at him. It was Richard's mother that spoke, "Thank you Mr. Abbot we will call you if needed. Could you please do not mention this to anyone. I believe Lady Brandon would wish to let Lord Brandon know herself."

"Of course My Lady as you wish." With that he bowed once and left the room.

"Oh Elisabeth how wonderful! This morning upon seeing you enter the Great Hall I had my doubts. What joy a child will bring this home! We will need to celebrate the news."

"I...I...Richard?! I must tell Richard at once." I began to move from the bed, but Lady Stafford and Lillian pushed me back into preventing me from moving.

"No you must remember what Mr. Abbot has said. You must not fret. I will go look for your husband and I will have some wine brought up too."

"Thank you Lillian." Lillian left the room with a spring in her walk and without curtsying to us. "You do not seem happy with the news. Are you sure you are well?"

"I had hoped..."

"What my dear?"

"I had hoped to have some more time with Richard before being with child."

"What in heaven's name are you saying? Are you implying that this child is not welcomed?"

"Oh no, please do not think wrong of me. I would have liked to enjoy more of my husband's adoration for a while longer, but this child is very much welcomed. Weather a girl or a boy it will be loved. I will not be my mother."

"Is that what is worrying you? Oh Elisabeth! You are nothing like your mother. You have so much love to give and I believe neither Richard nor I will ever let you behave like her. Now get those things out of your head and be happy of your good fortune."

"I am truly happy to have you in my life especially now that I am with child. You and Lillian are the most important women in my life."

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