Chapter 29 Lord Richard Brandon

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I walked back into the Great Hall with Elisabeth hanging on my arm. I looked down at her and I saw a small tear run down her cheek. As much as I would have loved to take her in my arms and back to our chambers I knew that what she needed most was to be around our family and try to forget the ordeal she just had with her mother. That evening the meal went quietly; we talked and we laughed, but as much as she tried I could tell that she was not entirely happy. Who could blame her, all her life she had suffered by her mother's tongue, when she finally got away from her she is tortured and to top it all off, her mother treats her even worse than before.

She sensed my eyes on her and turned towards me giving me a small smile. I placed my hand on hers and she lightly patted it giving me reassurance that I had trouble to give her. At the end of the meal we bid good night to the family and while they lingered on we walked back to our chambers in silence. After changing into our night clothes I laid in bed with my wife snuggled against my body. Her breathing was calm, she placed her hand upon my chest and I placed mine on hers. Not long after that we both fell asleep.

For the next week our days were much the same nothing eventful; in the morning we would break our fast with our family, after the meal we would separate to take care of our various tasks, meet back for the mid-day meal, break yet again a to meet again at the evening meal and at the end of the day you will find us in each other's arms.

My needs for my wife were growing, but as much as I wanted to release that desire I held back waiting for her to give me the briefest of signs, but nothing came, not a word and not even a look. I took my desires in my own hands and several times a day I would pump my sword thinking of her, imagining her soft body beneath me, feeling her hands instead of mine, but nothing would ever replace her.

When I could not release myself I would ride through the grounds, sword play with my guards, anything to keep my mind busy. But as the time got longer my insatiable need for her grew and seeing that I was not able to have complete satisfaction my temper grew as well.

One morning, more than two weeks after our return, I found my mother and father stealing a few kisses. I was jealous of their love for one another, of their free will to satisfy their own needs and I was not able to do so with my wife.

Later that day I was in a very foul mood taking it out on our stable boy when I heard, "Richard?"

"What?" I yelled behind me, but when I turned back my head I found my mother's worry eyes looking back at me, I let out a deep sighed and looked at the floor. Getting my anger in control I turned back to the Angus and asked for his apology. He nodded, bowed and ran as fast as he could. As he left I bowed my head in defeat.

She gently placed her hand on my arm and turned my body to face her. "What is the matter Richard? This is the first time I have ever seen you in such a state."

I could not dare to look at her, too ashamed of my behavior. "Please forgive me mother, I do not know what has come over me."

"Is everything well between you and Elisabeth?" Surprised I looked up into her eyes. "I am your mother. I have eyes and I have seen that you are not as it was before."

"I...I cannot understand what is wrong...I have been patient...and...and...."

"You have not bedded her since you have come back?"

"No. I do not dare to touch her. I am scared that I might hurt her or pull away from me."

A few of the maids walked by us whispering between them. My mother took me by the hand and led me away, through the halls and into the gardens.

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