Chapter 43 Lord Richard Brandon

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Unable to sleep after our discussion I watched her sleep throughout the night. She was right she did not need to be anyone else but herself when it was just the two of us. Within the confinements of our own rooms I too could be myself, no need to false pretense, no need to hide my feelings: it was a relief.

I watched Winthrop sneak his head into the room. I mentioned not to say a word, Elisabeth needed her rest and I did not wanted her to be awaken if it was not necessary. Slowly I pulled my arm from underneath her body and I walked back to the bathing area. I tried to be as quiet as possible and before leaving I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

Stepping out of my rooms I found Sir Corbert waiting his instructions. Upon seeing me he stood tall and bowed his head to me.

"Good morning Sir Corbert. I see you are already at your poste."

"Good morning, Your Grace. I have been here since dawn."

"My wife is resting for the moment. I believe she has a meeting with the Queen for the noon meal. I ask that she not be disturbed until that moment."

"Of course, Your Grace, I will make sure of that." I began to walk away but I saw that he had something else to say.

"There is something troubling you?"

"Yes, Your Grace. I hope I am not...that we are not stepping out of place, but Sir Tibon mentioned that Her Grace was...indisposed. Is there anything that we can do to make her more comfortable?"

I could not help myself and smiled. "It is very kind of you Sir Corbert. My wife is with child, our first. Not many know of her condition, but it is no secret. I just want her to not be subject to too much pressure. Her safety and comfort are of essence. Nothing else matters."

He stood straight and bowed to me. "You may count on us, Your Grace."

"Thank you Corbert."

"Richard! There you are! Are you ready to hear all that transpires in our Kingdom? It will be a long day before you see your lovely wife again."

"Good Morning Henry!" I bowed and smiled at him. "I am well aware of today's long and tedious schedule, but in your capable hands I might be able to have a few moments for my lovely wife."

"You are a fool in love. How I envy you at times." He wrapped one arm around my shoulder. "If you are good lad I might let you leave early to you can enjoy your wife's charms."

We walked through the halls talking and laughing. Upon arriving to the King's Council room we straightened our attires before walking through. The doors closed behind us and for the next few hours I was informed of all the negotiations that were at hand. There was much information to be absorbed, but it was his desire that I know everything before Henry would leave this world.

Time seemed to go fast for we did not noticed that our mid-day meal was brought to us and being so engrossed in state affairs we had no time to enjoy it. During this time not only did I try to be better informed, but I watched Henry carefully as he spoke to each one of his counsels. Men and Lords that one day will be part of my own counsel. I was not trying to put in memory all his gestures, but more of how he had an easy way of conversing with each and every one of the men before him. Whether he admired, respected or even despised one or all I could not tell.

At one moment I heard a small sound above us and when I looked over to where the sound came I saw my wife's beautiful eyes looking down at me. She was with Mary and together they were whispering to one another. I gave a small nod to Mary and a quick wink at Elisabeth before giving back my full attention to Henry. After some moments I looked up again and found that they were no longer there. My heart pulled with an ache of not having her there looking down at me.

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