Chapter 5 Lady Elisabeth Ashton

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The next morning my mother awakened me with a gentle hand on my shoulder "Elisabeth get up, we are to l meet the Duke back at the great hall for the announcement. What will he think of you if you are late?"

"What is it to me? Did you not tell me that I had ruined all your chances? Besides whatever the decision if that is what his father has decided, then me being late or not will not change a thing. Do not worry yourself, if I am chosen the contract will be signed." I was feeling very frustrated and I did not want to have my mother near me at this moment, but she did not seem to care.

"What are we going to do with you, child?"

"Do you not think you have done enough? Now if you will excuse me I have to get ready." Off my bed and running into my dressing room to where my bath was waiting for me. I did not even take the time to look back at her, but I did catch a glimpse of my face in the mirror and I could see clearly the bruising forming on my cheek. There was no way I was going to hide that.

Once I was washed and dressed I walked down to the gardens. The fresh air would do me some good after such a turbulent night. My mother's constant presence was too much to bear. I wondered through the aisles breathing each scent letting the air fill my lungs and letting my thoughts fly with the wind. So occupied was I with my thoughts that I did not noticed being watched. Before I realized it I walked right into what I believed a wall, nearly lost my balance, but two strong arms quickly came around my waist. In less than a day I found herself for the second time tucked tightly against the same vigorous chest.

"May I have a moment with you your Ladyship?" Hearing his voice I looked up right into his eyes and pushed away from his embrace and with some difficulty I curtsied as he finishing his bow.

"As you wish, My Lord, this is your home and I am but a guest."

"I would like to apologies to..." Taking my chin in his fingers he turned my face as to inspect it. His eyes widened when he saw the mark on my face. Flinching and trying to back away he caresses the marked cheek. "Is this your mother's doing?"

"No need to apologies, Sir. Like you said last night what else could we do about it now? Has your father made his choice?"

"Do not change the subject on me, I asked you a question Lady Ashton?"

His persistent look gave me no choice but to answer. "My mother...was not happy by the way I walked away from you last night and she let me know just how unhappy she was." His look darkened as I spoke. "Do not worry for me Your Lordship. This is not the first time my mother has shown me her displeasure."

"No one touches you in this way. I will not permit it. Where is she? She will here from me. I do not understand why she would do such a thing."

I put my hand on his arm keeping him from going after her. "Let it be My Lord."

"I will not let it be."

"Please, My Lord. You will make it worse." Tears began to flow. Seeing the concern look in my eyes and the way my tears flowed he could not see another way than to abide by my wishes. "Very well I will leave it for now, but if she touches you again..."

"I will try my best to prevent any more terms of endearment from my mother." We began anew our walk trying to keep his mind occupied. "You did not answer my question, My Lord. Has your father made his choice?"

"I...yes he has. That is to say... This is the real reason why I have come to see you. I thought we could take this time to talk together."

"If this is what you wish, My Lord."

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