Chapter 2 Lord Richard Brandon

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"Do you have some time for me Richard? Your father and I have some matters that we would like to talk you about."

"Of course mother anything for you. Is the matter urgent or may it wait till I am refreshed? The hunt was tiresome and complicated."

My mother, Lady Stafford put her hand on my arm, pulled me closer to her and together we walked towards my chambers. I patted her hand and gently gave it a squeeze mentioning to her that I was ready to listen to what she had to say.

She cleared her throat and began her speech, "Your father and I have thought a great deal of what your future holds. Richard, son, you are now eight and ten and should start thinking of finding a wife and having an heir. Your father and I will not be with you forever and you must think of your future." She glanced up at me seeing if I was listening, confirming that effect she continued, "We were thinking that we should invite some of closest friends and their daughters of age and ready for marriage. Your father sent letters out during this past week and he has received several answers. There is one in particular that your father and I believe is to be the one you should choose. Before you interrupt me, Richard, hear me out. Lady Elisabeth Ashton, only daughter of Lord Ashton the Duke of Durham is our choice. I think you remember him. He is one of your father's oldest friends. Do you have any questions, Richard?"

"Is that the only reason why I should choose her instead of the others, is it because she is the daughter of Father's oldest friend? I had always thought that I still had some time before I would wed and that I would choose the woman that would be my wife. Why her? Why now?"

"Though we will be presenting you with four young ladies, and inform you of our preference in the end it will be your choice. It has always been your choice and it your decision only. Why now you ask? You do know that the king is ill with no son to be his heir? Upon his death you my son will be one step closer to being his successor."

I opened the door to my chambers and let my mother in before entering myself. While my mother sat before the roaring fire I washed my face and changed my attire. I knew they were right that it was time for me to marry, but I wanted to know more and why this particular woman. Once washed, cleaned and dressed I went back to continue the conversation with my mother.

"You seem to be troubled Richard."

"How may I not be, mother? You just informed me that I am to wed a person I know nothing about and all How long do I have before my nuptials...our nuptials?"

"You will meet all your potential brides in the morrow and if everything goes well you will marry within a fortnight. You will have a lifetime to get to know your wife, maybe even learn to love her. Your father and I met almost in the same way and look at us now. I am very happy with my marriage."

"And why should I choose Lady Elisabeth above the others, Mother?"

For the next hour or so I listened to my parent's explanations and reasons for their choice. My father joined us and I listened quietly while I was given complete details of their likes and dislikes. Their measurements, their hair and eye color. The amount of their dowry and even information I really did not need to know.

When the one-sided conversation ended, I thanked them and went to roam the halls of Deswood Hall thinking of my future. I had always hoped to have a marriage like my parent's, a happy one. I feared nothing only to be in a lifeless marriage like so many I had seen in my circle.

Wondering the halls and grounds at one moment I found myself at the stables. Seeing that no one was in sight I prepared my own horse. It was a time of reflection. How I hoped that at least one of the ladies presented would be agreeable.

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