Chapter 13 Lillian

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Once he left, Lady Ashton ran into my awaiting arms and I hugged her tightly smiling dearly. I could tell that Her Ladyship was happy and I was glad to see her so changed. He must have been tender with her last night, I thought. "I am happy to see you too My Lady. You are well?"

"I am Lillian. He has been so dear with me. Last night I was terrifying especially when I saw my father come into the room behind Lord Brandon and his father, I thought I was going to faint, but then he came up to me and held my hands. He even told me to only look at him and try to listen only to his voice." She sat on her bed trying to pull me to sit with her, but I pulled her up and began to help her undress. While helping her bathe, Elisabeth went on telling me of all that had happened to her; each word that was said between the two of them even the gestures he had with her, nothing was left out. Not even the way he touched her during the bedding ceremony nor the tender way he cleaned her after they had finished and found each other alone.

"This morning when we woke my mother walked in. Luckily my husband had just put on his robe. He was very angry with Lady Durham, told her to never come in into our room unless she knocked and was given permission to come in. I had never seen her so red and speechless. She just walked out of the room without a word."

I smiled hearing the tale. Yes I believe he will be good to her. At least he protects her from her mother.

Finally in her bath with the warmth of the water Elisabeth was able to relax and for the next few minutes she kept in silence appreciating the moment of tranquility. When I saw her eyes close I knew it was time for her to get out and I was just to her side helping her out of the bath. Handing her the towel to dry off I turned to go back to the room to make sure all was ready for her.

Drying herself Elisabeth walked back to the room and continued her story. "And after the noon meal and just before coming into my rooms he took to the stables. He told me he had a surprise for me. He even went on to cover my eyes. When at last I was able to see there stood the most beautiful mare. It was his gift to me Lillian. Angel that is her name, is all white perfectly angelic, but has very strong long legs. I think, I might need some help mounting her being so tall. We are to go out ridding after breaking our fast in the morrow." She stopped her telling to give a yawn its way. She dressed in to her night gown and stepped in to her bed.

"He seems to like you very dearly, My Lady. Now it is time to rest. We would not want for him to see you with circles under your eyes. I will come right back. I am to take these clothes to be washed and will continue the unpacking while you rest."

I had not finished that Elisabeth was fast asleep and I silently left the room through the servants' corridor. Luckily I was able to get to the washing area. The staff barely looked at me, they would walk out of my way when they would see me. It was expected seeing that I am the last person to arrive, but the fact that I was Lady Ash...Brandon's lady's maid gave me rank.

"Excuse me, these are Lady Brandon's clothing, could you be so kind as to let me know where I could put them? Or is it up to me to do the washing? I do not want to over step."

The young lady looked at me, but said nothing. I was going to repeat my question but luck would have it Lord Brandon's man arrived at that moment.

"Sarah is not one to talk much, she is a very shy. I believe she is yet aware of your status. All your mistress's clothing should be set in this basket to be washed. Once Sarah has done her very efficient work she will place the items on the table found at the entrance to Lady Brandon's chambers coming from the corridor."

"I thank you Mr. Winthrop you have been very kind. It is not easy being in a new house especially when those you work with are somehow afraid of you."

"Winthorp...just Winthorp. They are not afraid of you, they just do not know you well."

"They do not know me at all. My priority is my mistress' wellbeing. The rest is not of my interest. Besides I have just arrived and I am only finding my way through the corridors. This is a vast home, but you are right they do not know me and I do not know them."

"Let this not bother you Lillian. I have been here for so long and some still do not trust me enough to talk to me, even invite me to their gatherings. The four us, Lord Stafford's servant, Lady Stafford's maid, you and I are always going to be put to a side it is best to just to ignore them."

Our conversation did not go much farther than that and leaving the servants' area, Winthrop showed me all the different places, throughout the manor, that I might need at one time or another. After the tour and while our Master and Mistress were in their chambers we decided to have a small conversation. I needed to know more about Lord Brandon and he was as intrigued of my lady as I was about his lord. I was able to learn much more than what I had hoped for. The more I learned about Lord Brandon the happier I became for Lady Ashton... she is no longer Lady Ashton, but Lady Brandon. Bidding my thanks I walked quickly to Her Ladyship's room, I could not wait to share what I had learned.

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