Chapter 28 Lady Elisabeth Brandon

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I woke up to an empty bed and scared I began to search the room, but upon a chair near my bed I found my sleeping husband. He is such a handsome man. His hair was all ruffled and could not help to caress it away from his face. He stirred and opened his eyes looking right at me. I smiled and asked him to come to bed. I was anticipating his body next to mine, but his response caused me to cover myself and move away from him. His reaction was more than I had hoped and my fears were gone when he held me in his arms.

We separated to dress for the evening meal and with the help of Lillian I was able to dress quickly. Luckily I was able to be ready even before Richard came to escort me to the Great Hall. I was only able to choose a dress that would not tighten up against my skin and seeing that the soles of my feet were still too sore three pairs of stockings were the only solution for shoes.

Walking through the halls of this great manor, that in such a short time had become a place of comfort and absolute peace, I could not help to think of my future with the man at my side. He turned his face to face me and I saw that he had been thinking on the same subject. I returned his look and dimpled smile with one of mine. Unfortunately it did not last for upon reaching the doors into the Great Hall we heard my mother's district screeching voice. With reactance Richard open the door and we walked in.

" is about time you graced us with your presence Elisabeth. I am quite displeased with you."

I walked to her and gave her a small kiss on her cheek. "I am sorry mother. I did not think you were waiting for me."

"Well that is just your problem Elisabeth you do not think. I am your mother and I deserve some consideration."

"Madam if you..." I placed a hand on Richard's arm and prevented him to speak any further. He looked at me and seeing the determined look in my eyes he stepped aside and let me through.

"Yes Madam, you do serve some consideration, but as you may have noticed I am not able to walk." I lifted my hand to prevent her from speaking any further. "For almost my entire life I have been mistreated and unconsidered by you, my mother. For what reason I have no knowledge." The tears began to flow. "My only fault was not being born the male child you had always wanted. I am truly sorry for you mother. Then when you announced that I was to wed, for the briefest moment I had your attention and I even hoped...your love, but nothing...nothing will ever break that rock you have instead of a heart."


"No father. I am deeply sorry, I will not be quiet. All my life I have been wishing and dreaming for my mother to hold me in her arms and nothing. You care for no one but yourself. Do you know of whom I thought when I was being tortured; whose arms I wanted to hold me tight and tell me it will all be well? Do you? Let me help you...they were not yours.

"I have suffered like no one and yet you still did not show a single moment of compassion. You just reprimanded me for not coming to see if you were well, but you know the worst of all this...I forgive you. I forgive all that you have done and mostly all that you have never done for me. In the end I feel pity for you, no love, but pity."

Through my tears I saw the look of satisfaction from my brothers, from my husband a look of relief, from my father a look of sadness, and my mother stood there and said nothing.

"Lady Stafford...I beg you to please forgive me for my behavior. You went so far as to make sure my homecoming would be a pleasant one and I have gone and ruined it. You will understand that I am not feeling well at this moment and I would like to have my meal in my chambers. Please give my gratitude to the cook and the staff. If you will excuse me I head up now."

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