Chapter 37: Time is of the essence (Joey)

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 I had everything, but at the same time I had nothing. I had Meghan and I had hope. That was all I needed and I could check them off my list. We also had time, well thats what I thought until I head the next announcement. "There has been a bit of a change with the timing of the feast, it will no longer be at dawn tomorrow but at dusk tonight, It is mid afternoon so tributes, you might want to get moving, that is all". Suddenly it was silent. Meghan's eyes locked with mine and instantly I could tell what she was thinking. She bent down and started gathering our supplies and packing them back into the rucksack that Meghan had gotten at the Cornucopia. "Meghan you dont seriously think we can make it do you? we are like a days trek from the cornucopia, we will never get there in time" I said, I didn won't to sound as if I didnt want to help Lizzie because I did I just didnt think we would ever get there in time. Meghan turned around and looked at me as if I was stupid "They want us to go to the feast, if they wan us to go then they will help us get there in time" She said it wih such revelation that I smiled a her intelligence. I walked over to Lizzie and she stirred but nothing more as I bent down to pick her up. I sighed as I knew she could have been doing something hse loved with the person she loved rathed than being forced into these hellish games. She had everything she love brutally from her heart and here she was, going strong and holding onto what could be her last breaths.I knew she was doing it for Joel. I leant down and whispered into her ear " We will get you out of this arena alive whether it means I die in your place, you will live to breath another sunset and you will live to experience another sunrise and the chorus of the birds in the morning dawn". Meghan swung the back pack and walked over to the passage through the trees and looked at me. "Ready?" She ased with a glint of excitement in her eye. I smiled back at her "Always"...

The sun was starting to set on the crimson horizon and the shadows started to stretch out of form. We had made a days journey in two hours. Meghan was exstatic that we were approaching the cornucopia but I held a closet of worry in my chest that she would, at the least, be harmed at the feast. It seemed like a good idea to get the medicine for Lizzie but as I had thought abotu it more the dangers started to tear at my eagerness. Meghan oticed that I was holding back and she just rolled her eyes. "I know what you are worry about, I will be fine, I think I can cope with  grabbing a bag and running She said as she put o a cheeky smile. "What if you dont get out in time Meghan, what then?" I asked depserately. She didnt have time to answer before we heard  cannon over head and footsteps running towards us. I only had time to grab Meghan by the arm and pull her closer before the tribute broke out into the clearing we were stood in. I felt a flush of relief wave over me when I realised who it was. "Yammy?" I said laying Lizzie on th grass under a tree. Yammy didnt respond as she was looking down at the body in her arms. She then started looking for a way out of the clearing we were in. She only had time to make it a couple of steps before I grasped her arm in my hand. "Yammy, listen to me" I said as I recognised the close eyed figure in her arms. She looked tired from running but I couldnt be sure as the tears drowned out any emotion other than misery and regret. I heard the hovercraft approaching and Yammy tried to escaped my grasp until she gave up and just collapsed on the floor. She lay Dan down on the grass in front of her. I bent down and put my hand on her shoulder. " He would have appreciated the effort you put in to keep a friendship under the most difficult consequences, he wouldve appreciated you" She turned to look at me. "You really think so?" She asked and I smiled gently and nodded. "It was his time to be relived of the stresses, you need to let him go" I told her. I felt the wind of the hovecraft begin to go through my hair. I saw her lean back from him and stand up as a sign of fare well. The hovercraft lowered its claw and lifted him up. With that I asked Yammy who killed him. She said something that I would have never expected "He killed himself because he said he wouldnt be able to bear the thought of him having to kill me". I could do nothing but stare in disbelief and with that she turned on her heals and disappeared back into the trees. Meghan saw how shocked I was and decided to change the topic. "We should get going again otherwise we wont make it...


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