Chapter 22 : Get as far away as possible he said... ( Meghan)

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I had trusted Haymitch to get me to safety with his advice but istead it hd brought me to the wall... and obviously the gamemakers didnt like that The sun was beating down but there was no water anywhere. The dirt was bone dry and the leaves crumbled in my dry hands. I felt my cracked lips as my tongue searched my mouth for any left over moisture. I would get dehydrated if I didnt find water soon. And then I would die. I felt my legs dragging and stumbling underneath me as I forced myself through the trees the backpack didnt have much in it at all. It only had a water container that had nothing in it and a weak knife as well as a coil of wire with a camera. I hadnt been lucky with the supplies but I would have to make them work. My mind was going fuzzy. The first day and I was dehydrated and nowhere near water. Or was I. I felt the sweat beads trickle down my forehead as I thought to mysef about the 'Cornucopia bloodbath' which this year, wasnt really a bloodbath. I had counted the cannons and there were only two but I couldnt help holding onto my fear that Joey was one of the bodies left at the cornucopia as the vicious killers dispersed into the landscape. The sun was setting behind the moutain that rose from the flat grassland that fell below it. My hands reached for it even though I knew it was unreachable. The dim oranges streaks reflected on my hands. I tripped over a tree root and fell to the floor. My eyes twitched as I came face to face with a patch of grass that was glimmering in the evening sun. It didnt seem real. The grass was rippling and flowing. I reached out and sharply brought back my hand as the icy cold water of a small stream climbed onto my hand, numbing the back of my hand and the tips of my fingers. It took me while to figure out it was a stream but when I did I crawled forward and plunged my face into the water. The relief was instant. I realised I had been stupid. This was a mountain stream from the mountain in front of me. The sun made the water into a translucent orange and I stared at it. I filled up on water. I was refreshed and I had survived the first day. I washed and sorted myself out. I used the knife to gather bark from the trees and started to nibble on the softer bark on the inside of the tree. I was quite well fed and I was hydrated. With this sorted out I was finally on my way to being a threat to less geared tributes. I had my knife but that was it. I knew Joey would be better with the knife but I didnt know whether he was alive let alone where he was. I climbed into a nearby ou tree that had low branches and rested againt the trunk with my feet outstretched onto the branches. I knew rest would be the best thing for me at the moment. Tomorrow I would hunt , well, I would try, but I didnt know how good I would be with a knife. The sun turned quickly from a beautiful one, to one that held fear and endless dangers. Darkness crept all around and the shadows blended into the night sky but were soon illuminated by the projected image in the night sky. The yotube games logo loomed above me. Suddenly the nerves hit me. Just imagining Joeys face show up in the sky made me want to turn away but I knew I had to keep watching as I had to know whos I was up against. One whole district was wiped out. District 5, cover singers,had both died at the cornucopia. That emant there were still the careers. I feared seeing their faces emerge from the trees. I was as far away from the cornucopia as I could be and I still feared being found. Eventually my scaredness sent me to sleep..

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