Chapter 35: I cant handle the truth (Joey)

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Seeing Meghan knelt on the floor crying into Lizzies soft pink hair was enough to tear my heart. This was when the reality of the situation we were in struck me. The were the lives of real people. People that could have lived for much more than this but no. Staring down at an innocent girl that deserved to be much more than on the edge of death. This was when the determination to live came in. Without thinkind I nudged Meghan from Lizzies's side. She was reluctant and fought back. Hitting me and punching me until she realised what I was doing. Tears streaming down her face she watched from the safety of a nearby tree, the tears stained her beautiful face but I had to focus on what I was doing. I spent half an hour gathering herbs from nearby trees and shrubs and applying them to Lizzie's wound on her chest. I cut the sleeves on my jacket short and used them to hold in the blood. I had prevented her from the fate of the capitol but I knew they would be out to get her. Wanting action they woud do anything to try and kill her. I had to protect her with my life because I knew she meant much more to Meghan than a friend. She had taught me much more than anyone else ever would. We relocated to safety. Well to a safer place. Safety is a myth in the arena. A lie. You were never safe. Meghan wouldnt move from her side as she cuddled into Lizzie, giving her warmth. I begged her to come up into the tree above were Lizzie was lay but she refused. "If Lizzie is in danger of being found then so am I and If Lizzie is in danger of dying, then so am I" I knew Lizzie's current state would be the death of Meghan if we didnt get her back to health. I cried myself to sleep, imagining a world without Meghan, A world without the soft laugh of a natural beauty.

The dawn brought dew to the grass and the gentle call of te forest birds. It also brought new hope for Lizzie. She had survived through the night. All she needed to do was stay strong until it was over and all the stresses would be buried underneath us. I had to remind myslef that was a fantasy and the capitol would allow such a thing to happen. The streaks of pink and gold in the morning sky brought promise and as much beauty as there could be in a place of suffering and dispair. However we coldnt stay here for long as I knew another tribute was sure to find us. I shook Meghan  gently, not wanting to startle her. She turned her head to face me and smiled, she then turned back to Lizzie and frowned. "Is she ok, did dhe make it?" Meghan said with a start, beginning to panic. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and nodded. “She is fine Meghan, I checked this morning, He heart beat and pulse are as they should be she is just not waking up” I told her looking away because I couldn’t bare to see the look of disappointment in her eyes when she found out that Lizzie hadn’t woken up.  Meghan looked towards Lizzie, not with a sense of sadness and pity but one with upmost determination. "We should get going then" Meghan said standing up and brushing the dust from her legs. " I will carry her" Meghan offered eagerly bending down and placing Lizzies hand on her stomach and tucking the loose strands of Lizzie's hair behind her ear. I took Meghan's shoulder and calmly said "Its ok Meghan, you lead the way and I will carry her". She nodded and smiled up at me before wrapping her arms around my stomach. "You didnt even know her all that well and you have done all this for her" Meghan said into my ear before burying her head into my chest. My mind flashed back to when Lizzie pulled me back in the clearing. I smiled and said back to Meghan "lets just say she taught me something about life that I would never have learnt otherwise" Meghan looked up at me confused but I just winked and smied in her direction. She broke the hug pouting but I just laughed bending down to pick up Lizzie. "Be carefull" Meghan said shaply as I lifte her as I had lifted Yammy when she had been attacked. "Its ok Meghan, I have had plenty of practise at this" I reassured her but the look of confusion returned to her face. This time I explained " I carried Yammy for three days after she had been attacked by a muttation" Meghan looked at me in pity wich I knew was for Yammy. I knew she was still alive because there hadnt been a cannon and her face hadnt appeared in the sky. We trekked for what must have been three hours before resting by a small pond in a valley between two mountains. I left Lizzie to rest by a rose bush where she would be concealed from the scorching sun that was beatin down on us. Me and Meghan found refuge under a big oak tree that would give us a veiw of Lizzie and the lake to look out for potential predators. I took this time to have a heart to heart conversation. " What do we do when this is all over?" I asked looking up into the cloudless sky. I could sense Meghan looking at me from the side but I continued to look up at the blue sky. "What do you mean?" She asked " I mean, what do we do, with our love I mean, when we get out of the games?" I explained. I saw her expression relax but also turn to one of scaredness. She took my hand in hers and said " I think we should focus on getting out of the arena alive first". With that she rested her head on my shoulder and we stared aimlessly into the horizon until we were disturbed by an announcment. A voice in the sky shook us from our relaxed stated " Congratulations remaining tributes!, Yammy, Joey, Meghan, Lizzie, Dan and Annie please take into account that there will be a feast taking place tomorrow at the crack of dawn! However this will be no ordinary feast.... All of you depserately need something, whether that be food or life saving medicine" Meghan looked at me with depseration as they said this. The announcement continued "These items with be plave at the corucopia in bags with your districts number on it, you are welcome to come and recieve these items at your own risk, Good luck tributes, and may the odds be ever in your favour" As the announcer siged out Meghan sprung up. "We have to go" I knew she was right but I couldnt bare the fact that she might get killed. Just as I was about to protest when we heard a gentle stirring from around the rose bsh where Lizzie was lay. Meghan looked away and then rushed over to Lizzie, just in time to see her softly open her eyes and smile. I saw Meghan's face light up as she realised that Lizzie had a chance. Lizzie managed to whisper a soft thank you before she gently reclosed her eyes and fell back into sleep, the smile still spread across her face with the promise of safety.

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