Chapter 14: Giving the hint (Meghan)

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I was proud of him. He had gotten the point across. We were angry and we wanted the people of the capitol to know that. I could see the rage in his eyes when he appeared backstage after the interview. I ran up to him and put my arms around his neck. He was very shifty and fidgety. "You did well don’t worry" I told him but he argued. "No Meghan I think I just lost us subscribers" I sighed and said "We're too good for them then" He smiled.

I spent the night cuddled into Joey’s chest, listening to the beating of his heart and his steady breathing. Tomorrow was individual assessment. I was extremely nervous as I had never done anything like this before and I couldn’t even have Joey there with me. I was going to be the last one in. I had to beat all the other tributes. I had to show them I was serious about keeping my life, serious about starting a rebellion against the games. Show them that I meant what I said.

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