Chapter 26 : Dont give up (Meghan still)

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I never knew I could have such a strong heart ache. I was told to never feel for the people I didnt know and that their problems were not my problems but whenever I heard the cannon I couldnt help but curse at the capitol under my breath. The sneers of the careers echoed through the trees. I had to be wary about where I was going because they were near by. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach is always there in the arena. You are always on edge and unaware of what could happen next. I heard the heavy tred of the boots worn by vicious killers. The leaves trembled as they charged through. They were a wildfire, destroying anything in their way, unliving or living. I heard the muffled cries of a fellow tribute dangerously close to the voices of the careers. I had images flashing through my head of the murder of another unsuspecting victim of the careers. I couldnt bare to have the thought that I left that tribute for dead. To tell myself that I did nothing to prevent the screams of a kid. I followed the tears. Something I never thought I would do. I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat as I reached the border of a clearing. I knelt near a bush so that I could see who the tribute was before helping them. I needed to know whether they were a threat. I peered over the leaves and everything became evident. Lizzie was sat on the floor of the clearing leaning over another victim of the games. Worst still. It was Joel. Her tears had stained her eyes red and the longing in her muffled sobs was tearing me apart. I needed to help her and I knew at the moment she was in no state to attack. She was vulnerable. She was prey and the careers were predators closing in for the attack. "Lizzie" I whispered. she turned around with a start and looked at me right in the eye but didnt hold the connection for long. She was like a deer and her stag had been shot. "At least Ill be with him" She said quietly, stroking her tears off of Joels cheek. She moved her hand to his hair and played with his brown curls. A piece of her baby pink hair fell across her face but she tucked it back behind her ear. I could see her hand shaking "Lizzie Im not here to kill you, Im here to save you" I told her softly and quietly. She was about to respond when she was cut off with the shouts of the careers. "We found her!" I heard Dan yell from nearby. " We need to go.. NOW" I pulled her up but she was resisting. I felt awful pulling her away from Joel. His limp body was layed on the grass were she had layed out next to him. Making the last of his final moments. The only moments he had left with Lizzie. Lizzie cradled his head in her arms softly and whispered. "I always loved you Joel and you must never forget that" she bent down, kissed his forehead and left him lying in a pool of flowers. Flowers that were stained red. The red dandelions that provided a cushion for the one that Lizzie loved. She didnt look back.

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