Chapter 24: A hunt goes wrong... (Meghan)

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There was nothing. I had searched every nook and cranny of this part of the forest and there wasnt one single animal to hunt. It had to be the doing of the gamemakers. I had seen them do this in previous years. A tribute staryed to far so they drove the tribute to the edge of starvation by ridding them of hunting meat. The capitaol wanted a show, so I would give them a show. I started walking towards the centre again. I needed to get back to an area with prey. The gurgling of my stomach cased me pain. I couldnt live on tree bark. The forest was lit up by the rays of sunlight that escaped through the leaves. It was strangely beautiful but I didnt have time to marvel at it. There were ten people in an enclosed area. 8 of which wanted to kill me. The other one would eventually have to. I tried to push these thought to the back of my mind whilst I trekked on. I held my breath to listen for the gentle calls of birds. I had a soft tread after many years of hunting with Joey. Joey. Pain shot through my heart as I remembered our past but I quickly dismissed the thought. There was no time for feeling. I had to get food and shelter. It took about an hour at most to find an area that held a wide variety of animals. I hunted for 20 minutes and got a vast collection of food that would last me a while. I suddenly realised how dark it had gotten but it had onky been a few hours since the sun had risen. They were playing with the arena again. Either tributes were close together and would fight or they wanted some drama. I settled myself in a tree and stared at the sky. Of course I wasnt tired but I wasnt going to travel at night.

The sound of breaking twigs disturbed me from my thoughts. I held my breath again as I heard the voice of a single female tribute. She was comforting herself. I recognised the voice but I couldnt wor out for the life of me who it was. I saw a faint yellow glow reflect off the laeves surrounding where she was sat. I had a veiw of her camp but a tree obscured my veiw of her. I pitied her. I knew the fire would grab the attention of other tributes that were blood thirsty. I recognised the voice but I couldnt work out for the life of me who it was, until they screamed. There was laughter after the scream was cut short. Multiple people. The careers. They walked into veiw and my heart stopped when I saw who was with them. Joey was stood in the group. He was a career. I felt betrayed and angry. They joked about the tribute they had just murdered. I was pinned against the tree not daring to breath. I was just listening to their conversation. " You sure she went this way?" I heard a gruff voice ask. "Yeh Im sure she's over this way" Cam a reply from Joey. "Good the faster we find her and kill her the better" I heard another voice say. Were they talking about me? Joey shuffled on his feet and looked up. My heart skipped a beat as his eyes focused on me....

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