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The clouds started to pour suddenly, Sia thought to herself even at her distressed state, thanks to heaven for hiding the tears that are dripping down through her cheeks. She doesn't want to show anyone that she is weak, it was her time to take the decision, the decision to walk away from his life forever.

His action spoke louder today, she thought he has immersed himself in work, he is working for them, but never once she thought she would witness this with her own eyes. The news which she eagerly wanted to tell him, now will remain untold and maybe he would never know about that. He lost his chance to be a part of that happiness. Thinking all this by herself she led her legs walk through the streets aimlessly till she reached her destination, which she called there home.

She stood in front of it picked up her phone and dialled the familiar number, which she often does when she is distressed. She narrated the scene to the person, her best friend Kaira , who is more than a sister to her.

"You still have time, you can rethink about your decision", she said as a whisper.
"Stop being so dramatic Kaira, I'm not going to come for this anymore", Sia replied sternly. I have decided to leave this place, and I'm doing it". Sia continued sobbing, "I can't be here anymore". "He was just a part of your life, Sia, please move on", Kaira tried convincing her. "He was just not a part, he was my life Kaira", Sia couldn't hold but kept crying. "Fine, at least let me know where you wanna go, I'll accompany you", Kaira enquired. "No..", she whispered. With that she declined the phone call, shutting all the emotions, all the feelings and the turmoil within her, and walked away from there.

She does know her actions would hurt Kaira, as being her best friend, she has always supported her in whatever she did and stood by her side always. But this time Sia decided to leave forever and no turning back.

She decided to go far from here, that no one could trace her and reach her, even if he intends to do so. Right now, all she intends to have is some peace with in her.

Aryav stood in his office staring at the envelope kept on the table in front of him, it seemed like he was in deep thought, his eyes were swollen deprived of sleep. He was quite calm, but it seemed there is a turmoil within him. His hands trembled to touch the envelope, after a lot of struggle he took hold of it, but kept it back on the table immediately.

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