Epilogue {Part Two}

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Thank you for falling in love with Scarlett and Harry. It's been a great time writing for you all. I hope this has helped you in some ways. I hope this reminds you that you are not alone, you are important, and you can overcome anything.

But that's all in your hands.

* * * * *

Epilogue {pt. 2}

Harry stole me away after my big graduation party. He patiently waited as I spent time with my family and small set of friends.

So when he pulled me towards his vintage car around midnight, I didn't resist. His trombone like legs marched to the beat of his own drum. His voice was a steady bass with a beautiful vibrato.

"Where are we going?" I sang, in a soft melody.

"To the Midnight Bride." He sings back to make a perfect harmony.

My throat clogs up at the mention of Midnight Bridge but it also clogs when I think that there might be a girl or boy who felt the same way I did who could be there right now.

"All right." I whisper, our song ending abruptly.

Harry kisses the top of my head, "You have nothing to be afraid of."

And he was right. So I got in the car with him.

I write in my journal now as we sit at the bridge again. It is our fourth night in a row and we wait here until another hopeless soul wanders. I usually get out of the car with Harry and we speak to whoever feels the need to end their life. We make sure they know they're not alone and can usually talk them out of it.

Because we have been there before.

Other times we are too late, and just as we pull up they're already gone. Harry always grips my hand and calls 911 as I recall the weightless feeling.

Free, free, then crash.

Harry tells a boy he wanted to overdose one time. I tell a girl that just when I first jumped off a small bridge and thankfully survived, I realized on the way down all my problems could be easily solved.

We took a boy home the other day. He was around seventeen and close to graduating. He didn't have a clue about what he wanted to do. A lack of identity can make it hard for anyone to feel like they belong.

You felt like you were deteriorating while everyone else was soaring above and beyond.

He was barely getting by and trying to please his parents. Harry talked him out of it and convinced him to put it off for another day. I stood by the hood of the car until Harry walked back with him.

I learned his name was Chance. All he needed was a reminder that he had a future. He had people to meet and people to take care of. He had demons to fight but that didn't mean he would lose.

Harry sort of took him under his wing and occasionally after work I might walk into the house to see Chance and Harry talking as they watched a game or played a video game. Harry would pause it just to kiss me on the cheek and mutter an "I love you" as Chance would give me a kind smile before I disappeared into Harry and I's bedroom to think about things.

I am beginning to wonder if instead of believing in God, it is God believing in us. I am beginning to wonder why I ever wanted to swallow a bottle of bleach when it is the world who needs to be bleached instead.

Chance is gone. He is heading back home. Harry takes him back and brings me a burger back. I eat it without trouble. I like cheeseburgers. Harry likes me eating more too.

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