What Happened to Macy pt. 2

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"Stop it!" I screamed "Just tell me what happened to Macy!" he sidesteps and walked away from me. "Max, don't you dare walk away from me!"

"I do not have to listen to you; you are not a princess yet." He says all while he continued to walk away from me.

"Max! I swear if you don't start talking to me, I am going to make both of your lives a living nightmare!" Max was standing by Luke basically ignoring me as I spoke "Fine, if you're going to act like I am not here, then I might as well not be here." I said walking into my room.

I slammed the door and ran straight to the closet, grabbing the biggest bag I could find, and tossed some basic clothing I would need. After only about two minutes, I ran out of the room and started making my way down the stairs. The sun was up so I knew Luke could not come after me, but the others could. As I ran I could not help but notice nobody was coming after me. Personally if I knew that they were not really going to come after me, I would have made a run for it a long time ago. Unfortunately just as I mentally said those words, I turn the corner, and begin to mentally curse myself for not just going out the back door, which I thought would be too much of an obverse route. I was wrong that nobody was coming after me as they're, around the corner, stood Luke, Bobby, Josh, and two big guys who I had never seen before.

"Annie, you are not allowed to leave." Josh said, as both he and Bobby started slowly walking towards me.

"Answer me this first, have either of you met Max's mate?" They both stopped their advance and looked back at Luke, who was just looking down to the ground, completely uninterested in what was going on.

"Annie lets just calm down and talk about this later." Josh said.

"No! All I want to know is what happened to Macy and why I am not allowed to meet my own brother's mate? What is so wrong with that?" I yelled as I started feeling tears pool in my eyes, while they both stare at me in silence.

"Annie, let us get you back up to your room where you can calm down."

"No, I am calm enough; I just want my questions answered!" I screamed as the doors behind me slamed open and everyone that stood in front of me change their stance as the "King", Jace, stood behind me in the hallway.

"Why is she screaming her head off in my hallway?" His booming voice echoed through the hallway, as pure fear shoots down my spine and his footsteps came closer "Is anybody going to answer me or are we just going to stare at me like I am speaking in tongues?"

"Sir, she was trying to leave and we were just trying to stop her and return her to her room to calm down." Josh says as I hear the footsteps stop beside me.

"Why is she trying to escape, Luke you said you were fixing the problem?" Jace spoke with such a forceful voice, I wanted to tip toe away fast.

"I am trying father, there are some issues that keep coming up" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Issues? What issues can there be?" I could feel his gaze descend on me. Now I really just wanted to scamper away.

"She is upset about Max and his mate."

"How is that an issue between you and her?" he said with an almost a hint of sarcasm.

"She wants to meet Max's mate, and Max is against it" he said shrugging, I look to Luke, giving him a dirty look.

"Then let her meet the girl, you are trying to woo her not make her become distant from you, give her what she wants" he turned and took a step closer to me "come along, let's get this meeting over with, I was shocked and could not believe what just happened.

"Wait! You're agreeing with me, and you're going to let me meet Max's mate?" he looked at me and smirked, which made me want to almost growl because it reminded me of Luke.

"Of course," he said as he started walking away and immediately I run after him.

"Thank you so much." I said, finally I have somebody on my side.

"Annie, you need to understand that I need you happy because I want to pass the title on to my son and his mate" he said as he walked faster than everyone else, "to do that I need you happy and willing, something that my son and his idiotic friends obviously do not understand and just to give you what you want."

"I want to leave, can you allow me to do that?" he sighed.

"Annie that is the only thing I cannot allow, I need you here to take my wife's title so we can go into retirement together and live out the rest of our years together." I smiled at how he spoke about Krista and how in love he was with her.

We walked in silence up to the top floor, as I thought about the times I had seen them together and how happy they are together. When we reached the top floor, walking to Max's room started feeling like I had actually won a secret prize causing me to smirk in a smug way. When Jace knocked on the door, I could not help, but chuckle at how satisfied I felt, until I saw Jace looking down at me with a skeptical look. I looked away quickly, as I noticed Luke on the other side of the hall, looking down at the ground as the door opened.

"Sir? How can I help you?" I heard Max say as I snickered some more.

"Max, Annie is going to meet your mate now."

"Sir, I apologize, but I do not think this is a good idea" I rolled my eyes.

"I do not care, I said I would not get involved in this situation, but I am getting tired and both of you are going about this wrong."

"I understand sir, but..." Jace raised his hand.

"I do not care; move out-of-the-way and go wait in Luke's room until Annie's done. That is an order," Max walked away from the door giving me a dirty look as he went by, which causes me to begin evilly giggling in my mind. "Annie, you may go and there aren't to be anymore escape attempts, do you understand?" I nodded my head in agreement.

As he moved, I came face-to-face with a big white door that was directly across from mine. I grabbed for the doors handle and felt fear start to crawl up my spine at what lay behind the door. What if it was not Macy like I thought? What if it was somebody else I did not know? I took a deep breath and twisted the handle and pushed the door open. I took a step in and looked around the room and saw a room decorated similar to mine just in different colors. There was nobody in the room, as I walked over to the bathroom I found it empty as well. I was so confused, as I stood and turned to look back at the room. I felt as if I was not alone, like being watched yet I did not see anybody.

"Is this some kind of trick?" I said out full of frustration, as I heard a muffled giggle that came from behind me, as I spun fast to face the person "MACY!" I screamed as she stood behind me covering a big grin that was plastered across her face.

I ran to her tackling her to the gowned as I flung my arms around her to hug the living daylight out of her. Once on the ground I sat up and punched her in the arm, as she growled and started rubbing her arm.

"What was that for?" she said whilst sitting up.

"That was for lying to me in the hospital, did you know I thought I was actually crazy for a month?" she nodded in response.

"I was just trying to help Luke, Annie, do not be too mad." I shook my head and smiled, Macy always tried to help people.

"But I do not understand why you helped him?" I looked at her with a questioning look, "he basically kidnapped me and you wanted to help him? Have they brainwashed you?" she shakes her head no, and lightly pushes me.

"Annie, he did not technically kidnap you, he bought you." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Like that makes it better." We look to each to each and then both burst into laughter.

"Okay your right there is no way I can spin it, to make it look good," she says as she looked down at the ground, "I just, think Luke is a good guy Annie." I looked at her, surprised by her words.

"You think he is a good guy?" I repeated to make sure I heard her right, and she nodded.

"Annie, I know your upset about Joel, and I would be too, Joel was a wonderful boyfriend, but Luke is your mate and..."

"What! Are you kidding me? Macy! he ruined my life and you try to tell me he is a 'good guy'" I said using air quotes.

"Annie, I know both Max and Luke did a horrible job getting you here and I already bitched at them for that, but he really cares about you and it makes me want to cry just looking at him when you fight." she shakes her head as if she was trying to forget something, "he just looks so sad all the time Annie, I just think you should at least try to give him a chance." I looked at her in complete shock as we both sat on the floor.

"Macy I cannot, I am in love with Joel, and if Luke cares about me as much as you say, then he would leave me be and let me be with Joel" she looked at me disappointed.

"Annie, it doesn't work that way, he is your soul-mate and he is yours and once you finally except that you will not be so upset about Joel. Luke will make you unimaginably happy, you have to just try to let him" we both fall into silence at her words and personally I just did not feel like talking to her because she had switched sides on me.

"So, you and my brother." I said after a long time of very uncomfortable silence and she just laughed and nodded her head, blushing a little.

She was my brother's mate???

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now